Real Farewells
Bonaparte, Napoleon, Emperor of France - Farewell to the Old Guard, 1814: I have sacrificed all of my interests to those of the country. I go, but you, my friends, will continue to serve France. Her happiness was my only thought. It will still be the object of my wishes. Do not regret my fate; if I have consented to survive, it is to serve your glory.
After his disastrous invasion of Russia and subsequent defeat by the Allies at Leipzig, Napoleon lost the support of many of his generals.  The Allies then forced him to abdicate his throne and sent him to exile on the island of Elba.  Before he departed, Napoleon gave one final address to his most loyal and devoted military unit, the Old Guard, many of whom accompanied him into exile.
For more information: 
Farewell to the Old Guard (text)
Napoleonic Literature
Recommended reading: 
Swords Around a Throne: Napoleon's Grande Armee by John Robert Elting 
The Anatomy of Glory: Napoleon and His Guard by Henry Lachouque 
Napoleon Bonaparte: A Life by Alan Schom

Cohan, George M. Cohan - Vaudeville Act Farewell: My mother thanks you.  My father thanks you.  My sister thanks you.  And I thank you.
Before George Cohan became a successful broadway composer, director and star, he performed as part of his family's vaudeville act.  At the conclusion of each performance he took center stage to thank the audience.
For more information: 
Red, Hot, and Blue
Yankee Doodle Dandy at Greatest Films
Recommended viewing: 
Yankee Doodle Dandy starring James Cagney

Edward VIII, King of England - Abdication speech, 1936: I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility . . . without the help and support of the woman I love.
King Edward VIII abdicated the throne of England on December 10,  1936, to marry Wallis Simpson, an American divorcee.  The following day he he spoke to both his former subjects and a world-wide audience in a radio broadcast. 
For more information: 
Real Audio recording of the the abdication broadcast
Edward VIII

Eisenhower, Dwight D., U.S. President - Farewell to the nation, 1961: We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.
When President Eisenhower, former Chairman of the Joint Staff and Supreme Allied Commander, departed the presidency in 1961, he surprised many by insisting that "an alert and knowledgeable citizenry" was needed to guard against the over dependence upon a "military-industrial complex." 
For more information: 
Eisenhower's farewell speech (text)
The Eisenhower Center
The Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library
Recommended reading: 
Eisenhower and the Cold War by Robert A. Divine 
Eisenhower: Soldier and President by Stephen E. Ambrose

Gehrig, Lou - Farewell to baseball, 1939:  I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.
Lou Gehrig bid farewell to baseball in an emotional ceremony at Yankee Stadium on July 4, 1939.  He had contracted--and would soon die from--amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a condition that is today often referred to as Lou Gehrig's disease.
For more information: 
Official Site of Lou Gehrig (biography and speech text)
Real Audio and .au recordings of Gehrig's speech
Recommended reading: 
Iron Horse: Lou Gehrig in His Time by Ray Robinson
Recommended viewing: 
Pride of the Yankees starring Gary Cooper

Johnson, Lyndon Baines - Announcement not to seek re-election, 1968:  It is true that a house divided against itself is a house that cannot stand.  There is a division in the American house now and believing this as I do, I have concluded that I should not permit the Presidency to become involved in the partisan divisions that are now developing this political year.  Accordingly, I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as President.
After losing political support for his policy of escalating the war in Vietnam, President Johnson announced his decision not to seek re-election during a television address on 31 March 1968.
For more information:
Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum
Recommended reading:
Dereliction of Duty: Johnson, McNamara, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Lies That Led to Vietnam by H.R McMaster 

Lee, Robert E., General of the Army of Northern Virginia -Farewell Address to his Soldiers, 1865:  After four years of arduous service marked by unsurpassed courage and fortitude, the Army of Northern Virginia has been compelled to yield to overwhelming numbers and resources. . . .  By the terms of the agreement, officers and men can return to their homes and remain until exchanged. You will take with you the satisfaction that proceeds from a consciousness of duty faithfully performed; and I earnestly pray that a Merciful God will extend to you His blessings and protection.
Immediately after his unconditional surrender to General Grant, General Lee published General Order No. 9 bidding his troops farewell.  Following the war, Lee accepted the presidency of Washington College--now Washington and Lee University--and served there until his death in 1870.
For more information; 
General Lee's Farewell (General Order No. 9)
Robert E. Lee
Recommended reading: 
Robert E. Lee: A Biography by Emory M. Thomas

MacArthur, Douglas, General - Departure from the Philippines: The President of the United States ordered me to break through the Japanese lines and proceed from Corregidor to Australia for the purpose, as I understand it, of organizing the American offensive against Japan, a primary object of which is the relief of the Philippines.  I came through, and I shall return.
On 11 March 1942, MacArthur departed Corregidor in the face of mounting Japanese pressure.  He made it to Australia and after arriving at Adelaide by train on 20 March, he promised to return and liberate the islands.  Thirty-one months later, on 20 October 1944, in a much rehearsed filming, MacArthur landed at Leyte where he ceremoniously announced, "People of the Philippines; I have returned. By the grace of Almighty God, our forces stand again on Philippine soil consecrated in the blood of our two people. We have come, dedicated and committed to the task of destroying every vestige of enemy control over your people.  The hour of your redemption is here. Your patriots have demonstrated an unswerving and resolute devotion to the principles of freedom that challenges the best that is written on the pages of human history. I now call upon your supreme effort, that the enemy may know, from the temper of an aroused people within, that he has a force there to contend with no less violent than is the force committed from without.  Rally to me. Let the indomitable spirit of Bataan and Corregidor lead on. As the line of battle rolls forward to bring you within the zone of operations, rise and strike. Strike at every favorable opportunity. For future generations of your sons and daughters, strike! In the name of your sacred dead, strike! Let no heart be faint. Let every arm be steeled, the guidance of the Divine God points the way. Follow His name to the Holy Grail of righteous victory."
For more information:
Douglas MacArthur
Recommended reading: 
Old Soldiers Never Die: The Life of Douglas MacArthur by Geoffrey Perret 
American Caesar by William Manchester
Recommended viewing:
The American Experience: MacArthur
MacArthur starring Gregory Peck

MacArthur, Douglas, General - Farewell address to the U.S. Congress: And, like the old soldier of that ballad, I now close my military career and just fade away, an old soldier who tried to do his duty as God gave him the light to see that duty.  Goodbye.
President Harry Truman relieved the general from his military duties on April 10, 1951 for "insubordination" after MacArthur--on his own initiative--issued an ultimatum to the Chinese Communists to withdraw from conflict in Korea or risk attacks upon their "coastal areas and interior bases."  As Truman was about to issue the relief order, on of his advisors suggested that it might be better to allow MacArthur to voluntary resign; Truman is said to have replied, "The son of a bitch isn't going to resign on me, I want him fired."  Opposition, throughout the country, to Truman's action was overwhelming, and the House of Representatives invited MacArthur to address a joint session of Congress.  A record 30 million Americans watched the speech on television.  It was, as suggested by Truman's biographer, David McCullough, "MacArthur's finest hour."  The following day nearly 8 million New Yorkers--more than for Lindbergh or Eisenhower--turned out to cheer during MacArthur's ticker tape parade.
In 1962, MacArthur returned to the United States Military Academy at West Point and addressed the corps of cadets one final time closing his emotional speech, Today marks my final roll call with you.  But I want you to know that when I cross the river, my last conscious thought will be of the corps, and the corps, and the corps.  I bid you farewell.
For more information: 
Full motion video of MacArthur's Congressional speech
General MacArthur's Thayer Award Speech at West Point
The MacArthur Memorial
Recommended reading: 
Old Soldiers Never Die: The Life of Douglas MacArthur by Geoffrey Perret 
American Caesar by William Manchester
Recommended viewing:
The American Experience: MacArthur
MacArthur starring Gregory Peck

Nicholas II, Czar of  Russia - Abdication, 1917: In these days of terrible struggle against the foreign enemy who has been trying for three years to impose his will upon Our Fatherland, God has willed that Russia should be faced with a new and formidable trial. Troubles at home threaten to have a fatal effect on the ultimate course of this hard-fought war. . . .  At this moment, a moment so decisive for existence of Russia, Our conscience bids Us to facilitate the closest union of Our subjects and the organization of all their forces for the speedy attainment of victory. For that reason We think it right-and the Imperial Duma shares Our view - to abdicate the crown of the Russian State and resign the supreme power.
Nicholas II's stubborn refusal to allow political reforms and the disastrous ending of the  war with Japan led directly to the Russian revolution of 1905.  Desperate to hold power, he conceded numerous freedoms to the people only to annul them when his position was once more secured.  With World War I came massive casualties, loss of  territory, and domestic turmoil which led directly to the Second Russian Revolution in February, 1917, and the Czar's abdication.   Following the abdication, Nicholas and the royal family first remained in Czarskoe Selo until the interim government decided to move them to Siberia in 1918.  After the Bolsheviks usurped power, the family was transported to Ekaterinbug in the Urals where they were all executed on July 17, 1918.
For more information: 
Abdication Manifesto of Nicholas II
Nicholas II
Recommended reading: 
The Last Tsar: The Life and Death of Nicholas II by Edvard Radzinsky 
The Fall of the Romanovs by Mark D. Steinberg 

Nixon, Richard M., California politician - Concession speech and farewell, 1962:  Just think how much you're gonna be missing. You don't have Nixon to kick around anymore.
Following former Vice-President Nixon's defeat in the 1962 California gubernatorial race, he pointed out the bias of the media, especially television. 
For more information: 
Nixon Concedes (transcript and audio files)
The Richard M. Nixon Page

Nixon, Richard M., President of the United States - Resignation, 1974: I have felt it was my duty to persevere, to make every possible effort to complete the term of office to which you elected me.  In the past few days, however, it has become evident to me, that I no longer have a strong enough political base in the Congress to justify continuing that effort. . . .  I would have preferred to carry through to the finish, whatever the personal agony it would have involved. . . . But the interest of the Nation must always come before any personal considerations. . . .  Therefor, I shall resign the Presidency effective at noon tomorrow.  Vice President Ford will be sworn in as President at that hour in this office.
The burglary of the Democratic Party offices in the Washington, DC, Watergate Complex during the 1972 presidential campaign was subsequently linked to the White House.  The House of Representatives was preparing to impeach President Nixon when he resigned. 
For more information: 
Nixon's Resignation-Farewell Speech (text)
Nixon's Resignation-Farewell Speech (audio file excerpts)
The Richard M. Nixon Page
Recommended reading: 
The Final Days by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein 
Nixon: A Life by Jonathan Aitken
Recommended viewing: 
All the President's Men starring Dustin Hoffman and Robert Redford

Pepys, Samuel - Diary closing: And so to bed.
Famed English diarist, Samuel Pepys first used this closing in a diary entry in Jan 1660 and continued to use it for nearly every one of his subsequent daily entries until his death over forty years later.
For more information:
The Samuel Pepys Page
Recommended reading:
The Diary of Samuel Pepys
Samuel Pepys: The Man in the Making, 1633-1669 by Arthur Bryant 

Skelton, Red - Television show closing: Good night, and God bless.
Legendary American comedian, Red Skelton, ended every one of his television show with the same closing.
For more information:
A Tribute to Red Skelton
Recommended viewing:
Red Skelton's Christmas Dinner
The Fuller Brush Man starring Red Skelton

Washington, George, General - Farewell to his officers, 1783:  With a heart full of love and gratitude, I now take leave of you.  I most devoutly wish that your later days may be as prosperous and happy as your former ones have been glorious and honorable.  I cannot--I cannot come to each of you but shall feel obliged if each of you will come and take me by the hand.
By late November, 1783, the last of the British forces departed for Nova Scotia or England, and on December 4, all of the principal officers of the Continental Army gathered at Faunces Tavern in New York City to meet with General Washington for the last time.  As Washington entered the room, they snapped to attention and tucked their hats under their left arms.  After a few words of welcome, the silence became long and uncomfortable.  Finally, Washington motioned to the elaborate buffet of food, but few officers filled plates.  Washington charged a glass, and the others quickly followed.  As he began his farewell toast, tears trickled down his cheeks and he struggled to maintain composure.  Soon Baron von Steuben and Benjamin Tallmadge were crying as well.  Chief of Artillery Henry Knox was the first to move toward Washington's outstretched hand, but when he reached Washington they embraced instead.  Each of the other officers followed in turn.  After Washington's departure, a formal farewell was issued to the soldiers.
For more information: 
Washington's Farewell to his Armies
George Washington
The Papers of George Washington

Washington, George, President of the United States - Farewell to the nation, 1796:  Observe good faith and justice towards all nations.  Cultivate peace and harmony with all. . . .  Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence . . . the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government. . . .  Taking care always to keep ourselves, by suitable establishment, on a respectably defensive posture, we may safely trust to temporary alliances for extraordinary emergencies.
Despite the pleas of many, Washington decided to retire from the Presidency after two terms.  On September 17, 1796, he delivered his farewell address which was soon published in newspapers throughout the country.  In addition to declaring his decision not to seek a third term, he warned against partisan dissension and foreign subterfuge.
For more information: 
Washington's Final Manuscript of the Farewell Address
George Washington
The Papers of George Washington
Recommended reading: 
A Sacred Union of Citizens: George Washington's Farewell Address and the American Character by Matthew Spalding and Patrick J. Garrity 
Founding Father: Rediscovering George Washington by Richard Brookhiser 
The Presidency of George Washington by Forrest McDonald

Wilhelm II, Kaiser of Germany - Abdication, 1918: I herewith renounce for all time claims to the throne of Prussia and to the German Imperial throne connected therewith. 
Kaiser Wilhelm's popularity plummeted during the final years of World War I.  In October, 1918, when U.S. President Wilson suggested that peace would be impossible with Wilhelm on the throne, he was strongly encouraged to abdicate by his generals and cabinet.  Wilhelm resisted until the Socialists declared a German Republic on November 9, 1918, when it was clear that the Hohenzollern dynasty was over.
For more information: 
Abdication Proclamation of Kaiser Wilhelm II
World War I Document Archive
Wilhelm II, King of Prussia and German Kaiser
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