
The cinematic Version

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Batman is my favourite hero - a fact that has been smirked upon quite a few times. This is an expected reaction of someone who either:
      a. Despises pop culture in a firm and outright way or
      b. Is by default optimistic, loves sunshine and rushes to the countryside to be part of all things                    bright and beautiful in any given time.

So, why Batman? And why not the comic version?

Well. First of all, I am not that familiar with the comic version, but to the extent that I am, it seems a little bit too much, too stereotypical and "kiddie" to me. Too many colours, too much of caricature.

Why Batman?

Most of you have understood already, I prefer the dark and cool breezes of the night than the exuberance and noise of day. It is at night the (grotesquely?) clad in dark hero feels at home. The cinematic version largely invests in that.
Batman is not some superpowers freak, just an ordinary human being (but still a freak, anyway). As for super superheroes, I cannot understand how someone over 16 could identify with a  man flying or pissing fire or anything of that kind of thing.The Bat may be weird but he's only human.

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Another reason is the scenery. Batman would not fit in some mediterranean sea resort or the sprawling suburbia of American cities. It is the dark, vertical and distinctively '30s architectural cityscape with Chrysler tower-like buildings and monumental sculptures, the fog and and the darkness of Gotham City that creates Bat the mood and consists his natural habitat.

Bat Links

The Dark Knight
The Bat's Cave

Other links

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