Hi, my name is Addie Gaines and I was a kindergarten teacher at Seneca Elementary in Seneca, Mo. for eleven years.
I served two years as assistant principal at Seneca. Currently I am elementary principal at Kirbyville Elementary, which is near Branson, MO. Check out my Principal's Page. I continue to stay involved with the early childhood community at Teachers.net and remain in the loop with the early childhood professionals, as well as maintain this site directed primarily towards kindergarten teachers. During my tenure as a kindergarten teacher, I had the opportunity to teach both half and full day programs. After doing both, I am a real proponent of full day kindergarten. I think that it is great!
Come see what we do all day long!!!

Developing good parent relations is an important part of teaching.
Click here to see my 1999-2000 Welcome Letter to Parents.

I have been on line for several years now and "surfing" is my favorite hobby.
Here is a collection of some of my favorite places on the net!

When I was a classroom teacher, I really enjoyed planning and participating in internet projects. Our internet adventures have included collaborative online projects with other classes during past years.

Visit the Kindergarten Project Page to see internet projects from previous years including Traveling Mascots and Flat Stanley's Adventures. Although these projects are no longer active, I keep them on the web, to provide ideas and examples of how online projects can be organized for the learning and enjoyment of your students.

The most recent online project that I planned was the Magical Mystery Tour. This was a multi-age summer school class focused upon mystery writing. We listened to and read mysteries, learned about the characteristics of mysteries and wrote original mysteries. These were published on-line in the hopes that many other kids (and adults) will read and respond to our stories.

I have fifteen unit plans on-line.

Announcing the newest unit....

Goin' Batty!

Plus all your "old favorites"

Potato Day!

Great Groundhogs!

Quaint Quilts!

All Aboard!!! The Train Unit

Beary Fun Activities

Fun on the Farm!

I Love Ladybugs!

Mexican Christmas Unit

Updated Feb. 2000
Mice Are Nice!

Proud to be Americans!

Pumpkin Potpourri

Space Unit: Exploring The Final Frontier

Spiders: No arachnophobia here!!!

Whatever the Weather

Wonderful Watermelon Unit

Please sign my Guestbook!
Or you can check out who has been hanging out at Inside Kindergarten!

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