"Fayette and Pickens Rifles"


Company I

11th Alabama Infantry Regiment


 Welcome to my world of the Confederacy, this page is to honor the service of the Confederate Soldier. My Great Great Grandfather 2nd LT. W. T. Davis belonged to the 11th Alabama Infantry, Army of Northern Virginia, his brave and undieing devotion to the cause of the Confederate States of America should never be forgoten, as should not any Soldier of the Civil War. You will also find info on other Confederate units that my other family members were part of.

 2LT William Thomas Davis, 11th Alabama Infantry, muster roll and more

 Major General Cadmus Marcellus Wilcox

 11th Alabama Infantry Regiment, CSA

Confederate Soldiers Page

My family in the Confederate States Army

12th Ky Cavalry Veterans Photo, CSA, with muster roll

Howell Ransom Vick, 18th Miss. Cavalry, CSA, with muster roll

Confederate Memorial Service for Howell Ransom Vick, Cayce Mississippi

Allen F. Vick, 34th Mississippi Infantry, CSA, muster roll and diary

Ransom Vick Jr,10th Mississippi Infantry, Lauderdale Springs Ms.Confederate Hospital

Dr. Thomas Bradford Savage, 24th Alabama Regiment, Co. E

The Virtual Purple Heart, Webrings

Website awards




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