The Cold War

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Cold War Papers

The Rhetoric and Intelligence of the 1960 U-2 Affair
In May 1960, an American U-2 "spy plane" crashed in Soviet territory. The incident was unique in the Cold War. It was the only time during the Cold War that the United States lost the rhetorical battle for moral superiority to the Soviet Union.

This paper is available in Word 97 and Adobe PDF format.

u-2.doc - 48 Kb u-2.pdf - 107 Kb

A Glimpse into the National Security Agency
Jame Bamford's book, The Puzzle Palace, takes a deep look at the National Security Agency. His work provides a detailed history of the organization and its work, though the book is increasingly out-of-date as the years pass. The author is inconsistent in his biases, but in general provides a fair critique of the NSA.

This paper is available in Word 97 and Adobe PDF format.

nsa.doc - 32 Kb nsa.pdf - 71 Kb

Cold War Intelligence, Rhetoric, and Policymaking Lecture Notes

Texas A&M University offered a course in Cold War Intelligence, Rhetoricm and Policymaking. The course was classified under the college of Liberal Arts, but could substitute for a History, Political Science, or History credit.

The course was team taught by Dr. Medhurst - perhaps the world's leading Eisnehower scholar - and Mr. Olson - on loan to the University through the CIA's Agent-In-Residence program. As the notes are completed, they will be posted in this list.

Cold War Internet Links

The Rennaisance Man Home Page