The Baalbek Awareness Page

Baalbek Links

Bellah's Mystery Page has links to several Baalbek sites, as well as Giza and Cydonia sites. He also expresses his own views in a well-written essay. (Nice music, too)

Hillman's Travel Wonders of the World aparently lists 100 places he considers to be "wonders". In addition to Baalbek, he has listed phenomenal locations such as Manchu Pichu and Chichen Itza. I haven't seen much of the site, but it's probably very informative.

Mysteries of the Bible is well worth a visit. Just like it's title implies, it is loaded with Bible mysteries. It mentions Baalbek, but if you refuse to believe anything the Bible says, you may find this site a bore.

The History of Baalbek is a short essay about Baalbek. I believe it was written by a Lebanese tourist association. I took some pictures from them.

Art Bell's Webpage is an important link for any paranormal site. It doesn't matter if the topic is bizarre, scary, controversial, phenomenal, or utter lunacy... if it is remotely possible, Art has it. Check it out if you haven't already.

More Photos

If you have other photos of Baalbek, PLEASE E-Mail them to me... Thank You!