This is Jason my eldest son...aged 23...

The pics here were taken 1999...

He is in the 1st Armoured Regiment in Palmerston, Northern Territory, Australia...

He is a Radio Operator in his tank...

He joined the Army in January, 1996 at the age of 18...

Trained as a Ready Reserve but a year later decided to stay full-time...

Jason has made many friends there and totally loves it...

Even a couple of his school mates which grew up with him have joined also...

Hi Luke and Cory!!!

Take care also my babies!!!

Of course, I am very proud to be his mum...

Love you heaps Jasse...

I have to also mention here...

Jason and his fiance Joy were married in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA...

on the 9th September, 2000...

They met about two years ago...and soooooooo much in-love...

CONGRATS my darlin's...LOVE YOU BOTH...

Alas...I was unable to get to the States for the wedding...really saddened me not being there for my first babe's Special Day...

BUT I was there in spirit right beside you, and in your heart, as you were in mine...XXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

I shall be adding their wedding pics here when I receive them...so check back in some time and see them.

Pic below is one of Jason's mates...

Jasse took the photo when they were training...

Gosh forgot his mate's name...duhhhhh...





They will love it...

And it will be part of their wedding gift from US!!!...*smiles*...

Thanz sooooooooo much...{{{{{{{HUGSSSSSSSSSS}}}}}}}}...

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