Dating Tips
by yours truly :)

Dating & relationship tips

Written By:Elle
*Remember to read with an open mind
and use your intuition :-)Have Fun

Tip # 1:Do not date anyone younger than you
unless of course you know him/her well and you can account
for his/her maturity

Tip # 2:Do not call him/her more then twice a day
unless your are beeped or you are returning a call or it
is an emergency (but then again i don't have to tell you that)
even if you are dying to talk "literally"
and NO..cute little beeps don't count as calls

Tip # 3:If you do ask someone to go out and they say no
do not ask again, unless they gave you a really good excuse
like someone is at the hospital or they had to work,
study something like that because
really other than that if they really wanted to
they would make sometime

Tip # 4:You should talk on the phone sometime
"Time that you both consider comfortable"
before meeting, thats just to get to know the person
a little i know it might not help too much but hey !
it's better than no time

Tip # 5:If you can to his/her friends
"Non- Investigational" to learn more about him/her

Tip # 6:Same ole..same ole but a goody
if you decide to meet ,please meet in a public place
and if possible go in your car, or double date
just on the first few dates, if it's no big deal
i think it is better to be safe than sorry
and remember these things dont prevent bad things
from happening there are just ways to get to know this
person sometime before your off on your own
and anyways you can probably get some feed back
from your "Good Friends" about him/her, that
maybe you don't even notice "Love is Blind"

Tip # 7:Never date anyone who is still on a rebound
or is not over there previous lover
be his/her friend and wait until there feelings
are in order, so you both can have a fair chance at
a good relationship

Tip # 8:Try hard not to date anyone at work
unless of course he/she is really fine,hehehe
and you just can't help yourself
but be aware if things don't work out
you will have to see each other 24-7
and sometimes things can get uglee :-)

Tip # 9:If you talk on phone chat lines
do not ever give out your number
i am mostly saying this to girls
because there are some psychos out there
guys i know there are woman psychos i just have
come across them yet :-)
after you talk they will call and call
and it will be hell
so just give out your beeper and
if you dont have one most of these lines
have private conferencing ..try that first
just be careful

Tip # 10:If you are already in a relationship
and you are sexually active
use a condom
dont come up with the lame excuse that it
that it doesn't feel as good, i think i would rather it not
feel as good, then have to have some gross STD
or even give myself a death sentence
by contracting aids
and yes , you can say you are sure about your boy/girl friend
being only with you and that might be the case
but we all have slip ups we are only human
are you willing to die for pleasure? i feel that's the question
ponder..ponder and decide

Tip # 11:On paying well to be honest i think the man
should always pay" i guess i am old-fashioned"
unless you know he is broke, espiecially if he wasted
that money on you,hehee
but since some say we are in the 90's ok ok
why doesn't whoever asks for the date

Tip # 12:On dating the same man/woman again
well think about why you left each other
in the first place, try to be friends for a while
and DO Not rush into things, dont make
the same mistakes twice
ofcourse even i have my "Stay Away from list"
do not even consider taking someone back
if they were abusive..mentally, psychically, spiritually
he/she cheated on you
and NO addicts to anything, games, drugs, alchohol, etc..
and NO you can't change someone, they have to change
themselves for themselves, also if he/she was a liar before
be almost certain they will lie again,
if you take them back be careful :-)

Tips # 13:Always follow your intuition
it is your greatest guide
your heart ..yea well that can sometimes
get you in a heep of trouble when
it comes to choosing whether or not to go on that"Date"

Tip # 14:Oh and last but not least
the rules are made to be broken
these are just guidelines mostly for your safety
follow the ones you consider appropriate
and make some of your own like i have :-)
just always remember your safety
should come before a good time
believe or not, live life to the fullest
and take care of your body, mind and soul
and yes that means staying away from those Drugs

This page and the tips are copyrighted to me Elle.If you have any questions regarding my tips
or have any "good comments" email me at
Keep in mind, I am not a doctor nor a psychologist. These tips are more or less
common sense to me, take them with a dose of humor and most of all precaution

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