
I started this collection many years ago for no other reason than I liked them. They could be purchased at local flower shops and were priced reasonably. I added to the collection whenever possible and now have around fifty. (Not all are picured here.)I seldom add to the collection any longer because they are now priced out of range. I have had many offers to buy them but never one I seriously considered. At this point, they are here for us to enjoy, me to keep clean, and later as part of the "estate". LOL!

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In addition to the Lady Head Vases, my other collections include Pekingese, since we are owned by that particular breed of dogs and we are also slaves to thirteen cats. My most unusual "Collection" is the Flying Red Horse from Mobil. I like the magazine pages from the 40's and have about nine or so! They are actually paintings and were very nice!

In addition, I collect thimbles and have one from almost every state in the union plus some from foreign countries. Thimbles are small and easy to display.

Below are some of my "Flying Red Horse" pictures.