"Ideas must work through the brains and the arms of good and brave men, or they are no better than dreams."
- R a l p h  W a l d o   E m e r s o n

#1: All of us complain of bad politicians. Why not have schools for them when they are in office?

Rather than wait for Time to give us good leaders, why not ensure that the politicians themselves are given good training when they are in office. The training may be on very basic skills that have been approved by intellectuals to be essential for every government official, like diplomacy, control of anger etc. It will help give them a good perspective when in charge, as opposed to always being in the news but never having a chance to look within themselves for good solutions.

#2: Would it be possible to use the energy spent on exercise to pump water, generate some amount of electricity for our radios, t.v., atleast so that not only is our body exercised but we generate power too. If huge gymnasiums are equipped with state of art mechanisms which help generate power or which help the power expended on exercise to be recreated in another useful way.

#3: Vegetable waste may be disposed as manure to plants.

#4: Our task is to create a small place where there is minimum wastage of material, where there is communal harmony. Where there is respect for Gods and for men. The smallest possible place spanning a few miles maybe, then using it as a role model for larger areas. Clearly we have to give our lives to preserve peace, harmony and great ideals in that small area.

#5: We could make chairs, tables and other such stuff with plastics, doing away plastic bags, and disposable plastics. This would prevent not only felling of wood but also prevent pollution due to plastic waste.

more ideas soon...