2001: Space Oddysey

file namesizedescription
fault.wav18 KbHAL: "I've just picked up a fault..."
feelit.wav219 KbHAL: "Dave, my mind is going, I can feel it...I can feel it."
goodbye.wav10 KbHAL: "Goodbye..."
halodd.wav30 KbHAL: "There are some extremely odd things about this [mission]"
halques.wav32 KbHAL: "Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?"
hallsilly.wav22 KbHAL: "I know it's a bit silly..."
halthink.wav22 KbHAL: "Just what do you think you're doing?"
halupset.wav32 KbHAL: "I can see you're really upset about this."
hihal.wav41 KbHAL: "Good evening, Dave. Everything's running smoothly. And you?"
notenuff.wav18 KbHAL: "I don't have enough information."
puzzlin.wav70 KbHAL: "It's puzzling... I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like this before."
sorry.wav14 KbHAL: "Sorry about this."
stars.wav30 KbDave: "My God, it's full of stars!"
sure.wav17 KbHAL: "Are you quite sure?"
tohuman2.wav61 KbHAL: "It can only be attributable to human error."
well.wav25 KbHAL: "Everything is going extremely well."
Beavis and Butthead

file namesizedescription
aaaah.wav9 KbBeavis screaming
bareass.wav42 KbBeavis: "Butthead! Butthead! Come here quick! Bare ass on TV!"
batheher.wav36 KbButthead: "Bathe her and bring her to me. huh huh.
bb-boner.wav49 KbButthead: "Woah! I'm gettin' a boner!" Beavis: "I'm getting a stiffy!"
bblaugh.wav33 KbLaughing from beginning of show intro
beautifu.wav28 KbButthead: "You are a beautiful woman."
beavsyes.wav53 KbButthead: "Yes! That was cool!" Beavis: "Yeah!" *laughter*
bitch.wav16 KbBeavis: "Seven year BITCH!"
bnbbreak.wav71 Kb Beavis and Butthead over Judas Priest: "Breakin' the law! Breakin' the law! Breakin' the law! Breakin' the law!"
bnbchoke.wav23 KbBeavis: "Choke your own chicken, dude. What's wrong with you?"
bnbfire.wav85 Kb(Explosion) Butthead: "Yes! Yes!" Beavis: "Yes! Yes! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!"
bnbsucks.wav134 KbBeavis: "You ever wonder why so much stuff sucks?" (laughter from both) Beavis: "Sometimes I look at one of these little straws, and I go, 'This sucks!'"
boioing.wav154 KbBeavis: "Boioioioioing!!!"
dumbass.wav5 KbButthead: "Dumbass!"
heybaby.wav59 KbButthead: "Hey Baby, wanna wrestle?"
threatme.wav11 KbBeavis (Cornholio): "Are you threatening me?"

Cheech and Chong
file namesizedescription
lowrider.wav302 Kba few seconds of "LOWRIDER" by WAR
acid.wav60 KbChong: You just ate the most acid I've ever seen anybody eat in my life!
badasswd.wav51 KbCheech: No stems, no seeds that you don't need. Aculpoco Gold is... inhale
Chong: Some badass weeeeed...
booboo.wav49 KbChong: Kinda grabs you by the "booboo", don't it?
ccknife.wav160 KbSister Mary Elephant: Young Man..., now give me that knife! thwacck! SME: Thank You.
danana.wav120 KbCheech (singing) My momma talkin to me, tryin' to tell me how to live. Danana, danana, dun dun danana.
fireitup.wav34 KbCheech: Fire it up, homes!
greatman.wav42 KbChong: Hey, this is great, man!
hamburg.wav69 KbPeeWee Herman: You're the guy from the Hamburger...Train, right?
hey.wav13 KbChong: Hey!
hey2.wav14 KbChong: (laid-back) Hey!
imblind.wav26 KbChong: I'm BLIND!!!
pervert.wav27 KbChong: Well what're you gonna do, you pervert???
startit.wav30 KbCheech: Okay, man. Start it up!
turnitof.wav42 KbCheech: Well turn it off, man!
weplay.wav94 KbCheech: We play everything from like Santana to El Chicano, man, you know, like everything.
wowman.wav16 KbChong: Wowwwwww!! Maannn!!!
yourmoma.wav92 KbCheech: I just thought of something really funny, man. heh. hey, "your moma!"
ccscrot.wav957 KbCheech: My Scrotum sung to the tune of My Sharona
gonorhea.wav868 KbCheech: Cheech Marin's version of "The Macarena"
shtupcls.wav228 KbSister Mary Elephant: Good Morning Class...Class...SHUT UP!!!...Thank You.
Bonus Miscellaneous Sounds
file namesizedescription
link.wav100 Kbthe teleport sound from the computer game "Myst"
free.wav91 KbCirrus from Myst cackling, "Oh yes! I'm free! (giggles)
hindnbrg.wav754 KbThe entire radio broadcast of the Hindenburg Airship disaster

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