Welcome to the Cyber-scriptorium

The SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) is a worldwide, non-profit educational organization in which members study the history, culture, arts, and everyday life of Medieval and Renaissance Europe. We do our best to re-create the best of those time periods. From the clothing and speech to the cooking, dancing and armored tournaments.

The scribes of the SCA study manuscripts and produce scrolls
for the group to use as award presentations.

You will find useful information on the scribal arts contained in these pages.
Also included are some graphics of scrolls for you to enjoy.

Images and examples

  • SCA award scrolls.

  • Manuscript links

  • The Basics

  • What is a scribe?

  • Where SCA scrolls come from

  • Outline of

  • Inter Kingdom Scroll Standards
  • A list of materials

  • Beyond The Basics

    Judging criteria: A Rubric for Illumination

  • A scribal challenge

  • Heraldry links

  • Tips for demos and displays.

  • A few scribal tips.

  • Period techniques and tools

  • Sources and suppliers

  • Communicating with other scribes

  • Other SCA scribal pages

  • Interkingdom scribal contacts

  • Scribal Q&A

  • Join the scribal mailing list

  • This site last updated May 5, 2005.

    I would appreciate your input to help me make this a great site for scribes, new and old alike.

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    In which Kingdom do you reside?

    Please provide your comments about my page

    The Webminister of this page is
    Maitresse Yvianne de Castel d'Avignon, (yvianne AT zoominternet.net)
    who resides in AEthelmearc, as a member of House Singing Stone.

    © 1998-2002 These pages are provided as an aid to scribes and are my own views, and those of the other contributors. All rights to the original artwork presented on this site remains with the artists.
    Please do not use it without their permission.
    This page is not a corporate publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and does not delineate SCA policies. In cases of conflict with printed versions of material presented on this page or it's links, the dispute will be decided in favor of the printed version