"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery? We don't think so!"

"Art Imitates Life"

When I was a boy I had a paper route. I saved and saved my money for a bicycle. After a year of saving I finally had enough and I bought my dream bike.

I proudly showed it off to my friend and the next day his dad bought him a bike just like it.

I don't know why that made me so mad...

My bike didn't seem so special after that...

--J. Coffey

Ripping off original creative works really makes us want to "puce"! You could even say it "puces" us off!

This site is designed to raise awareness of digital pilfering on the web. Graphics, text and site design are being lifted willy nilly. We feel that the color "puce" conveys the moral character of the offending scoundrels. Shame on you!!

In a show of support we provide links to sites that have been infringed. (To date we know of only one.)

Original Sites That Have Been Copied

Wise Women of the Web

We intentionally choose not to link to the offending sites. That would only give them publicity they don't deserve.

Join the PUCE! Campaign!

Be the first kid on your web block to display a PUCE! ribbon on your site! Download one of the small ribbons below and use it to link to this site! This is one place on the web where it is okay to download without asking.

Puce ribbon
on white background

Puce ribbon with
transparent background

After downloading one of the above images saved as "puce.gif", you can use the following html to link to this site:

Puce is a Trademark of PUCE! You may no longer use the color Puce without the express written permission of PUCE!. All material - graphics, text and design are copyright of PUCE! 1997 All rights reserved.


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