Author of the Month


Upcoming Titles:

ANOTHER DAWN  (January 1999 — Zebra)

DANGEROUS MAGIC  Anthology (February 1999 — DAW)

STOLEN WISHES  (October 1999 — Zebra)

Letter from the Author:

Dear Readers:

ANOTHER DAWN is one of those books we authors call "gift books." This happens when the muse strikes so powerfully, the book must be written. Though it's somewhat frightening to admit this, I firmly believe ANOTHER DAWN is my best work to date.

Another Dawn Once every decade or two I force herself to clean my file cabinets. I have no idea how notes from a college political science debate managed to survive more than a decade, but I hope you'll be glad they did. An article I kept about a young man who survived the electric chair touched me just as profoundly as it did the first time. I was haunted by this man’s story, and by morning Luke Nolan had introduced himself to my muse.

Wrongfully convicted of murder at the tender age of eighteen, Luke is a grown man with the social, emotional, and sexual sophistication of an adolescent. After his execution goes awry, he awakens a century in the past with the dead chaplain’s clothing and the prison doctor. He can’t leave her behind, because he’s no killer and she cried for him. She doesn’t remember her name or anything about him or his conviction; an I.D. bracelet says her name is Sofie.

A hot blooded, honorable (this is what makes a hero a hero, in my opinion), American male trapped in the guise of a priest, and a woman who’s anything but what she seems, this hero and heroine moved me to tears as I wrote their story. Come along and laugh, cry and love with Luke and Sofie, as they prove that love transcends the boundaries of time, the constraints of society, and is a miracle in and of itself.

An excerpt from ANOTHER DAWN:

    Finding no relief from beating his palm black and blue, Luke stopped and stared at the collar still clutched in his fist. Damn that collar. One way or another, he'd have some different clothes by morning. Besides, these were filthy. Good excuse to shed his sheep's clothing, especially since he felt a lot more like a wolf....
    "I'm weak. I can't do this abstinence stuff." No, that wasn't quite true. He didn't want to abstain, and motivation was everything, after all. He'd done all right until Sofie touched him. Now all he could think of was feeding the fire she'd ignited. After spending the best years of his life on death row...
    In isolation.
    No, he'd have to make up for the last decade during the next eleven years. What choice did he have? Time travel or not, he couldn't relive those lost years. They were gone forever, regardless of the century.
    Sure, he could make up for lost time. But lost sex? "Stop thinking about it, Nolan." Resuming his pacing, he punched his bruised palm again.
    He wanted Sofie. Okay, he'd admitted it. Faced it. So, now what? He couldn't do a damned thing about it. She was off limits. The forbidden fruit and then some.
    Enough already. He should've left last night, before he'd tasted her lips. No, don't think about her lips. He had to get the hell out of Redemption, Colorado and leave Sofie's lips behind. He had to. Her lips, her breasts, that tattoo on her...
    No, don't go there.

Copyright © 1999  Deb Stover

May all your days include a bit of magic!

Deb Stover
November 1998

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Books by Deb Stover:

ALMOST AN ANGEL  (November 1997 — Pinnacle)

SOME LIKE IT HOTTER  (April 1997 — Pinnacle)

A WILLING SPIRIT  (October 1996 — Pinnacle)

SHADES OF ROSE  (June 1995 — Pinnacle)


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