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          In fairness to Muslims reading this the following searchable Qur'an is presented as the source of prophecies given to the Prophet Mohammed. The concept of trumpet in the Qur'an is the same concept in the Bible.

The Qur'an (Koran)




          Other valid sources of prophecy will be used on this site to illustrate how prophecy works and how the sources correlate. Important prophetic works such as the "Book of Enoch" (Ethiopic) will be used. Some of the other works have merit, yet for only a few verses at a time. The use of these prophetic resources will be used at my discretion for teaching. Some well-meaning people who lacked foresight arbitrarily decided that some works couldn't be used as scriptures or decided by committee or vote not to include them in scriptures. (Political inclusion or exclusion as the "spirit moved them" is not a valid means of determining the value of prophetic passages. That education was uncommon then and books were hand written was a factor in making such a decision.)
          Seeing many people have recorded prophetic dreams the point here is to say no one had a right to exclude any prophetic passages (unless there was considerable evidence that they had been tampered with. On that basis both the Bible and the Qur'an would qualify to be excluded as they have not been faithfully reproduced and maintaned...) "That really levels the playing field". (When you can accept the limitations of humans in conveying and maintaining "the Word of God" then you can start the process of rediscovery through your own dreams. A course in logic in relation to concepts may be required if you cannot accept that truth about future events can be cross-checked using differing sources of prophecies.
          Prophets are just human beings. (Now I'll lead you a little with the explanations so you can see it, just don't expect the analogies or the passages quoted to be identical. They will only be similar in concept and each one reaches further to extend the base of knowledge.)

The Book of Enoch (frames)
The Book of Enoch (without frames)
The Book of Enoch all in one file
More less known & prophetic books

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