That Certain Woman
Part Three By Jenny

Disclaimer: Not my characters, not making any money, etc. Send comments/feedback to

Story so far: Joey has recovered following a serious accident. She and Dawson are now a couple, but she is having doubts about the relationship. Pacey is secretly in love with Joey, the only other person who knows this is Jen. Pacey and Dawson are not speaking following an argument at the hospital.

About a week after Joey's return from the hospital, Pacey ran into Dawson throwing stones angrily into the creek.

Things were still bad between them. Their argument was as yet unresolved, but Pacey could see Dawson was troubled by something, and after years of listening to his friend's problems it was hard to turn his back on him now.

"Dawson?" He called out. Dawson swung round.

"Pacey, what do you want?"

"I want to apologize. The things I said at the hospital. I didn't mean them. I'm really glad for you and Joey, honestly. I don't know what got into me."

Dawson turned back to the water without saying anything. He threw another stone and watched as the ripples it caused got bigger and bigger dissapeared from view.

"Hey come on man, I'm trying to say sorry here."

"Don't bother. It doesn't matter anymore." A pause then, "Joey dumped me."

"What?" Pacey looked at Dawson incredulously. He couldn't believe what he was saying. Joey had been in love with Dawson forever. They finally get togther and what should have been a 'happy ever after' story turns into a two week fiasco.

Suddenly Dawson swung round to face Pacey, his face dark with anger and suspicion.

"Is this something to do with you? Did you say something to her?"

"No! Of course not, why would you think that, man?"

"Because it was after she met up with you at the Ice House that she broke up with me. Did you tell her your great theory on why we got together? Did you? Come on, Pacey!" Dawson pushed Pacey hard on the chest. "I can take it. But can you tell me the truth? Or would you rather I turn round so you can say it BEHIND MY BACK?" He gave Pacey another hard shove.

Pacey, although he could feel his own temper rising refused to retaliate, thinking that the situation would only get worse if they got into a punch-up.

"Dawson listen to me. I never said anything to Joey about you. I wouldn't. Even if I believed those things I said - which I don't - I would never try to jeapodise your relationship with her."

"You're a liar!" cried Dawson, his anger spiralling out of control. He shoved Pacey again, this time knocking him to the ground. Pacey looked up at Dawson in shock. Seeing he was still fuming, Pacey decided to take direct action. The softly-softly approach would definately not work here.

He swiftly kicked Dawson behind the knee, making him lose his balance. He then tripped Dawson up so that he too fell to the ground. Quickly, Pacey rolled over on to him, pinning him to the floor putting especial pressure on his wrists.

"Now listen to me, Dawson" he said roughly. "I did NOT mean those things I said at the hospital, I did NOT say anthing to Joey, and I do NOT want to have to punch you over this."

Dawson stared up at Pacey angrily. He just wanted someone to blame. When Pacey had come up to him he had felt sure that he had said something to Joey. But in his heart he knew his friend would never do that.

Pacey felt Dawson's body go limp and he relaxed his grip on him.

"You won't have to, Pacey. I apologise. Now will you let me get up?"

Pacey jumped off him and they both got to their feet, brushing off grass and dirt from the ground.

"I just don't understand her, Pace. I thought things were going fine between us. I mean she wasn't too keen at times, but then she'd just come out of hospital. What is it with me, Pacey? Why am I always wrong about people. I was wrong about Jen. Then I finally thought I'd got things sorted, but then I bust up with you and now Joey. I don't understand it."

Dawson walked away from Pacey slightly. Pacey could see that already he was trying to analyse everything, file everyone away into their proper compartments. But they just wouldn't stay there. The people Dawson knew would never fit into the compartments he gave them, they changed too much. Dawson had always had a problem with change.

"D, maybe it's not you that's the problem."


"Maybe it's Joey. I mean she split up with you right? Maybe she has things she has to deal with that are more important than you at the moment. She did nearly die back there you know. Did you ever stop to think about that? Dawson, we argued at the hospital because I was angry about something and I took it out on you. But do you ask me what the problem is? No, you just assume automatically it's to do with you." Pacey paused, feeling slightly guilty. He didn't want Dawson to start asking him what was wrong.

"What are you saying, Pacey?"

"I'm saying, Dawson that Joey and I have spent years listening to your problems but you don't seem to realise that we have problems of our own. You want to know why Joey dumped you? Well go and ask her, and listen to what she says. You might be suprised."

Dawson already was suprised, not only by what Pacey was saying to him, but also that Pacey was saying it. He had never been so perceptive of Joey's feelings before. Maybe Joey had said something to him. But why talk to Pacey and not to him?

"Maybe you're right, Pace" Dawson aknowledged. "I think Joey and I ought to talk."

He started to walk away from Pacey, but after going a few yards he turned round again.

"Hey, Pacey" he called, walking back. "I'm...err...sorry about before." He waved his hand towards where they had wrestled. " know."

"Yeah. Sure, Dawson. Me too. But we both know I'd have beaten the crap out of you."

"In your dreams, Witter!" Dawson smiled as he started out again.

The following morning, Jen was sitting on her porch reading a Stephen King novel when Joey came up unexpectedly and said;


Jen nearly jumped out of her skin and the book fell to the ground with a thud.

"Whoa, Jen, it's only me." Joey picked up the book and read the title. "Ahh, I get it. I've not read this one. Though I think Dawson has the film. You should get him to show you it sometime."

"What's this? Joey Potter trying to set up dates between me and Dawson Leery? I don't believe it! You must really trust him to set him up with your arch-enemy."

Joey smiled sadly. "I guess you didn't hear that I broke up with him then."

"Well, nothing official. Mind if I ask why?"

Joey laughed bitterly. "No. I mean I should know exactly why after yesterday."

"What happened yesterday?"

"Dawson came round to see me. To get an explanation I guess."

"And you couldn't give him one?"

"Not one he wanted to hear anyway. He was convinced there was some big reason for it that I've been hiding from him. He just won't accept that I just don't love him anymore."

"And you don't?"

"No. At least, not the way I used to. I don't know why, but after the accident I realised how much time I'd wasted on Dawson. After you two broke up I had a chance but I didn't do anything. I kept telling myself that I was waiting for the right time, but I was actually getting over him." Joey sighed to herself. She hadn't been able to say all this to Dawson, he just wouldn't listen. She hated the fact that she couldn't talk to Dawson properly anymore. "Then he tell's me he loves me and I go along with it because it's what I always wanted. But then Dawson's so busy being romantic and the perfect-boyfriend -"

"- Both appalling traits in a man." Jen cut in sarcastically.

"- that we don't have time to be friends anymore." Joey finished, ignoring Jen's comment.

"So, why can't you be friends and lovers? Lots of people are. I've heard that it's a very good basis for a relationship." Jen said smiling.

Joey had missed Jen's amusement at her dilemma. She continued pacing up and down in front of Jen on the steps, her mind lost in thought.

"I think it depends what sort of friends you are." She mused. "Dawson and I - we've always told each other everything, but in a relationship there are some things you like to keep to yourself, or discuss with someone else. Normally I'd discuss them with Dawson but if I'm seeing Dawson who do I talk to? "Pacey says that Dawson never made a move on me before because he didn't want to mess up our friendship. Given the way that Dawson always analyses things to death he probably came to the right conclusion."

"Well I think you're doing a fine job yourself in over-analyzing, Joey" said Jen exasperated. "It's obvious you feel that you and Dawson are not good boyfriend- slash-girlfriend material and you just want to be friends. What's wrong with that? You've only been going out for two weeks, it's hardly going to scar you for life."

Joey laughed. It made more sense when someone else said it. "I guess I just suprised myself with my clarity." She said in reply.

"Now sit down and I'll get you some juice" Jen said in a school teacher tone.

"Yes miss" said Joey sarcastically. But she felt better. It was good to be friends with Jen. She had been so supportive since the accident, Joey had felt guilty for keeping her distance in the past. Now she was realising what a mistake that had been and what a blessing it was to be able to rectify it.

"Here." Jen handed her a glass. "So did I hear right? Did you say that you were discussing this with Pacey?"

"Pacey? No-oo. Of course not. Well, not really. I don't know, it was just the other day. We went for a walk. I just mentioned something Dawson did that brought it up. Usually Dawson is the last thing Pacey and I talk about."

"Really?" Jen was still the only one who knew Pacey's secret. In fact she wouldn't have believed that Pacey still felt for Joey, he kept it so well hidden from everyone, if it wasn't for the huge amount of time he seemed to be spending with her.

"You know he and Dawson havn't been the best of friends lately." Joey said. "Neither of them seem to want to talk about it. I'm staying out of it though, it's nothing to do with me."

Oh if only she knew Jen thought. She was still amazed that Pacey felt the way he did about Joey. Oh, they certainly had the chemistry, but Joey was so like Dawson in many ways. Both of them seemed to be waiting for the one big love affair of their lives. Jen knew first hand how hard it could be when your partner had a preconcieved idea of love. But then Pacey had a softer side to him she hadn't been aware of before. It was a side she had seen quite a lot of in recent weeks. Suddenly I'm everybody's confidante she said to herself ruefully. It seemed ironic that these three people who had been friends for so long needed a relative stranger to talk to because they were too angst-ridden to talk to each other.

"Look, Jen, I'd better go" said Joey, draining her glass. "Thanks for the juice and for listening. It actually has helped."

"Don't sound so suprised, Joey or I might get offended."

"Sorry, I honestly didn't mean it that way. See ya."

"Bye" Jen sighed, and picked up her book again, glad to be able to escape her friends disastrous love lives for a time.

Joey sat in the boat and watched Pacey rowing. She was amazed how much time they'd spent together recently. It was about two weeks since she had broken up with Dawson and although things were better between them the two of them, she still felt more comfortable with Pacey. Besides the fact that there weren't any uncomfortable silences between them, they hardly ever argued anymore. Or at least not seriously. They just had fun together. It felt nice, simple.

They were approaching the shore.

"Bing Bong, this is the captain of the ship speaking. Would all passengers please collect their belongings and prepare to disembark. Thank you."

Joey smiled as she picked up the backpack containing their lunch. As they stepped ashore Joey turned to Pacey and said sweetly, "You will remember to tie the boat up won't you?"

"Like I'd forget a thing like that." He grinned.

"I think I'd better do it, Pace."

"What's the matter don't you trust me?"

"Yes of course I trust you, Pacey. You're reliability is as impressive as your memory."

"Bite me, Joey" Pacey said mockingly as he tied up the boat securely. "Will that do for you ma'am?"

"Hmm, are you sure you've done it tight enough?" She said, pretending to check it.

"Now, Josephine Potter, if you're not going to behave yourself today, I'll put you right back in that boat and row you home."

"Oooh, you're so handsome when you're stern" she teased.

"Come on" he said, pulling her away from the boat. "There's this really great place I want to show you."

Pacey felt almost completely happy as he walked along with Joey beside him. He was still in love with her, but the new trust he had worked so hard to gain was too precious to jeapordize by trying something with her. He had seen how badly Dawson and Joey's failed romance had affected their relationship and he didn't want the same thing to happen between him and Joey.

"You're quiet today." Joey stated, cutting into his thoughts suddenly. "Is something wrong?"

"No, not at all. I was just thinking."

"Oh yeah, I thought I could hear a funny noise."

"Mmm, that'll be the wind rushing through you're ears there" he said, lightly tapping the side of her head.

"What were you thinking about anyway, jailbait?" She asked as she deliberatly stepped sideways into him.

"About how well we've been getting on lately actually" he replied as he walked sideways back into her, making her stumble.

"Yeah, we do get on well, don't we?" She agreed as she tripped him up. She started to run away as he got to his feet and began to chase her.

They ran laughing through a group of trees and Pacey suddenly realised where he was. He ran a little harder to catch her up and caught her in his arms as she tried to turn round.

"Hey, look, this is the place" he said, turning her around and leading her through the trees.

As they cleared the last of the bushes, Pacey led Joey towards the water. Between them and it lay gently sloping sand dunes. In the distance lay Capeside. The view was beautiful. Joey could hardly believe Pacey would have such a place. Why? She asked herself. Why am I always making presumptions about him. He's proved time and time again that there's more to him than most people see.

Pacey looked at Joey with satisfaction. She looked...enchanted. He didn't regret bringing her here, sharing his private retreat with her.

"How long have you known about this place?" She queried him.

"About two years. I don't come here very often. But I'm always glad when I do. It's really...peaceful, you know?"

Joey knodded. She knew how fed up Pacey got with Capeside. She did too. From here the town looked small and insignificant. Sometimes you needed that, a bit of perspective.

"You don't mind if I come here sometimes do you?" She asked.

"Nah - seeing as it's you" he smiled at her. "Here, hand me the blanket."

Joey did so, then she took off her backpack and started to empty the contents. Gradually they began to set up their picnic.

Pacey chewed at his sandwhich thoughtfully.

"Hmm" he said. "Not bad, Joey. Needs a bit more mayo though."

"Oh really?" She said indignantly. "Well maybe you'd like to make them next time."

"Next time? What makes you think I'll bring you next time?"

Joey's only response was to lean across and take the last sandwhich out of the bag. "I've been thinking," she said "maybe we could bring Dawson next time, Jen too, make like a day of it or something."

"I'd rather you didn't tell anyone else about this place, Joey" Pacey protested. "A retreat isn't much good if all the people you're trying to get away from are there when you turn up."

"Okay, Pace. It was only an idea. Mabe we can think of somewhere else to go. Somewhere away from Capeside. I just need to do something about Dawson and me. Things just aren't working the way they are." Joey looked to the water thoughtfully. Pacey felt the old sense of jealousy working it's way through him. He hadn't felt it since Joey and Dawson broke up.

"I thought you two were happy just being friends?" He asked her.

"But we're not though, at least, not the way we were - and I want us to be. At the moment I get along better with you than I do with Dawson."

"You sound suprised."

"Well, given that only a few months ago we were exchanging death threats it's quite an improvement."

"A lot's changed since then." Pacey said quietly.

"You can say that again" Joey said.

After a pause Pacey said again "A lot's changed since then."

Joey threw a piece of sandwhich at him. "Can't you take anything seriously?"

"What's the point? I'm only sixteen. No-one else takes me seriously so why should I?"

"You're incorrigible Pacey Witter. What you need is a girlfriend to steady you out" she threw at him. "Only this time try someone who isn't in loco parentis to you" she added maliciously.

"I'll do my best." Pacey promised her, wondering if he would ever get the girl he really wanted.

Later that day, Joey was sitting by the docks, looking out across the creek as she thought about her day. Pacey was a lot of fun, she decided - and a good friend too, now that they had got over the petty bickering. She thought sadly about her friendship with Dawson. He would barely speak to her now. There were no movie nights any more, and what conversations they had were mainly limited to safe topics such as the weather, school. She missed him. Pacey was a lot of things, many of which she hadn't realised before, but he wasn't Dawson. I wonder if I'll ever be friends with both of them at the same time she mused.

Hearing footsteps she looked up and saw Jen coming towards her.

"Joey! There you are! I went over to your place earlier but you weren't there."

"No, I was out with Pacey."

"Pacey? Again?"

"Yeah, we went for a picnic. Why did you want to see me?"

"It's about Dawson. I saw him earlier. He's really depressed, Joey. I'm worried about him. His mom says that he's not even interested in his films anymore."

"I'm sorry about it, Jen, I really am. But what can I do? Dawson hates me, I'm the last person he wants helping him."

"I know, but maybe you could think of something I could do? You've known him a lot longer than I have after all."

"Okay, I'll give it some thought. I'll talk to Pacey. He's always had original ideas for sorting out Dawson's love life."

"So how was the picnic?"

"Great. Pacey's good company. I can't believe how much I used to dislike him. Since the accident we've become really close."

"Yeah? How close?"

"Oh, you know, we can just be really honest with each other. I never used to think that Pacey even had feelings."

"Is he honest about everything?" Jen asked slightly nervously "I mean does he talk to you about love and stuff?"

"Oh yeah, he's been really honest about that."

"He has? I can't believe he'd tell you! With Dawson the way he is and everything, they're supposed to be friends for God's sake!"

"Tell me what?"

"That he loves you!"

"No he doesn't!" Joey said laughing.

"Of course he does! He....wait a minute you just said he told you."

Joey had stopped laughing now and was looking at Jen. "No I didn't. Why would he tell me that? Did he tell you that?"

Jen was silent, her hand over her mouth. She realised she'd made a huge mistake.

"Jen?!" Joey cried.

"Oh, Joey. It was ages ago. He probably doesn't even feel that way anymore!"

"I can't believe that guy!" Joey shouted in anger. "After I was just getting to like him too. Well he's not getting away with this!"

Jen watched Joey storm off. "Joey, wait!" Jen called after her. She was worried what she had started. Why was Joey so angry?

Joey knocked angrily on the door of Pacey's house.

"Hang on a sec," a voice from inside said. Joey knocked harder and louder. "Alright, alright." Pacey came to the door and opened it. "Joey! What th-" he said as she pushed passed him into the living room.

He followed her in puzzled. As she spun round to face him she realised she must have got him out of the shower. He was wearing jeans but no shirt and he was holding a blue towel in his left hand with which he was trying to dry his hair.

"What the hell's the matter with you, Joey? Has there been an accident or something?" It wasn't hard to see that she was angry about something. He rapidly searched his brain for something he had done which might have caused it. Nothing.

"There's nothing the matter with me, although I can't say the same about you."

"What on earth are you talking about, Joe?" Pacey asked in a puzzled tone.

"Why don't you go and ask Jen. You seem to enjoy talking to her."

"Has the Ice House started putting something in the cappuccino's now or what?" He joked, still in the dark.

"There's no point trying to cover yourself anymore, Pacey."

"Look," Pacey said exasperated, "I'm going to finish getting dressed. When I get back maybe you'll be kind enough to tell me what we're arguing about so I can join in."

Before he got to the door, she called out; "Where the hell do you get off, telling Jen that you're in love with me?"

Her voice was angry and accusing. Pacey stopped in his tracks. Now he knew what she was talking about.

"What?" He said, stalling for time. He wasn't sure how to handle this. He hadn't imagined that she be so angry if she found out.

"You told Jen that you loved me. Why?"

"Why not?"

"What right have you got?"

"What right? Joey, they're my feelings, and I can tell whoever I god-damn want to." He cried, his own temper rising.

"Why did you tell Jen? I thought we were friends, Pacey. You should have talked to me."

"Well, you were unconscious at the time." Pacey reasoned.

"You've been in love with me since the accident? No, you can't have been."

"Look, Joey. There's no problem with it. I'm happy just being friends."

"But we can't be. Jesus, Pacey. Things were so great today. I was telling Jen how much I enjoyed spending time with you and she thought....and now I..."

"Whoa, wait a minute, time out here. Is the reason you're so angry about this because you feel something too?"

"Look, Pacey, all these weeks. Have you been trying to get me to fall for you or something, because - "

" - No. No, Joey. I've been trying to be a friend to you. A proper friend. Not one that argues with you or makes fun of you the whole time."

" - You have. You've been trying to show me you're 'sensitive side' thinking that I'll swoon and forget what you're really like." Her voice sounded hard and cynical. Pacey had had enough.

"Joey, if you want to think that, there's not much I can do about it, you're so stubborn, but just for the record I know I'm too much of a screw up for you to ever go out with me. I never even thought about making a pass at you - well actually I did think about it, but I never actually considered doing it."

"Pacey, you're not a screw up" she said crossly. "And if you weren't such and idiot I could probably go for you - "

" - Probably?"

" - But I've been through this with Dawson and it - "

"Screw Dawson!" Pacey shouted angrily, moving towards her. "I'm nothing like him, and you should stop looking for a Dawson replacement - you'll never find one. You'll never find anyone who fits you're ideal, Joey. Get real."

"God, you are so arrogant, Pacey! You think 'cause you're in love with me you know everything about me - but you don't know the first thing."

"Yeah well right now I'm wondering why I ever fell in love with you at all."

They both fell silent. They were standing very close together. Pacey glanced at Joey and saw a look of dislike on her face. If he wasn't so angry with her he would be hurt. Joey looked at Pacey. He made her really mad the way he preached at her. She looked him up and down. His bare chest was rising and falling quickly as the adrenalin made his breathing quicken. On an impulse she suddenly put her arms around his neck and pulled his head to meet hers. Their lips met, and they shared an intense and passionate kiss.

"Wow" she mumbled as the kiss ended.

"Yeah, wow." Pacey replied, smiling at her. "You know, Joe I have to say I've really missed our arguments."

"I don't think they all ended like this though, did they?"

"Shame that. Maybe we should make up for lost time." Pacey said, and began to kiss her again.

"No, wait!" Joey said, pulling away from him slightly. "If someone had told you when you were nine, that one day we'd be like this what would you have said?"

"I'd have said they were mad." Pacey answered, slightly puzzled.

"Right answer." Joey smiled before he pulled her close once more.