Zak - deep thoughts home

These are (used by permission) from Silva's web site at


'The device,' a tree-of-life motif. Silva writes about the game:

"It starts with leaving the body in the first scene. [Out of body experiences are a common theme throughout the game.] With Zak we can also learn for example that we have a personal climatic conditioner in our heads to set our mood (behind the left door in the face on mars, following the violet path). The last scene where Zak and Annie activate 'the device' symbolizes the alchemical marriage. And there is much more in the game linked to real ancient wisdom (by symbol, color, scene, theme or function), it's not just a funny game."

One of the designs in the Mars labyrinth - showing ape, human and scolarian. Silva writes:

"They seem to correspond to the three gates in the great mars chamber, which again seem to correspond to three-principle-models like three souls, three alchemical principles, trinity, three main triangles on the tree of life and similar. The first gate again allows access to three placces through a labyrinth (where the pic is taken from): an airconditioner-room (the vegetative; the four greek elements could be adjusted by two sliders for temperature and atmosphere), a teleporter room (you arrive there when 'astral-projecting' symbolically to mars with the yellow crystal) and a world-map-room (origin for the map seen in the dream, strange markings below allow access to the sphinx)."

"The next picture combines the mouth of the face-on-mars like seen in the dream with the final drawing of the complete 'astral-projection-map'. While the world-map is for the world (wake state), the symbols are for mars (dream state)."

"Finally, this is from Chad White. He writes, "I made this picture for my little brother to remind him of the fun we had playing that game growing up. I think you’ll like it too."

Thanks, Chad!