                                           sky                slight           under
                                                breathing a                           the sun

                                                               distant     neighbors
                       across                      stand,                            giving              horizon
                     the valley     mountains                                     definition to the

                                   birds call:                                              past
                                           twa-da-tweep                     swoop                      twa-
                     animal                                          swallows                                      da-
                               trails                                                                                            tweep
                                      cross                                                                     pines
                                              the                                                                reach
                     twa-                      slope                          dead pine                  up
                     da-cha-tweep                                     with                               the
                                                                                   brown needles          slope,
                                   chick-                                   still                             standing
                      a-lickl-                        flies                      clinging                     tall
                                 lickl                        buzz           to its
                                                          and                    twisted
                     impervious rocks                 flit                          branches
                     crowding the               about
                     slope                                 grasses growing up
                                                                       through the gray matting
                                                                                               of previous years
                                      rotting into earth
                     fallen wood                      beneath my feet
                                                     the mountain raises its immense form to support
                                  us all, to challenge
                                                                         us, and to laugh
                                                      at our puny efforts

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