Talbott  Elementary is a small--but growing-- rural school in Jefferson County, Tennessee. Though small in numbers, we have a committment to providing our children with access to the educational opportunities available through the "information superhighway."  At this time we
are in the process of building a cutting-edge library and media center.
The purpose of this virtual library is to provide an information
access point for student and teacher research:  to serve in place of a
physical library now, and to supplement such a library in the future.

Click here to enter the Talbott Virtual Library

Click here to sign our guest book

Please e-mail any suggestions or ideas to our librarian.

David Goff,  Librarian


I.D.E.A., Technology, and the Gifted: Rethinking the Role of the Elementary Librarian
Presented as an interest session at TETC Fall 1998 by David Goff, Librarian, Piedmont and Talbott.

Library Orientation
Click here to view our Library Orientation!


Page created by David Goff, December 1997. Updated 8/23/99.