Question from Anonymous:

How do you know all of what you say?

Barrie: I don't know. I'd put it that I assume, believe and feel. All these, to me, equals "knowing." My knowing is as good as your knowing. I assume, believe and feel, or "know" all these things by talking to people, observing (inside & out) reading, research, examining my feelings dreams, emotions, experiences, intuitions, and then trusting what "feels" right inside...discarding ideas that don't "feel" right; I also explore the ramifications of what does feel right or what seems confusing.

How does one "know" that a pencil will drop if you hold it two feet above the desk and let go. You don't "know," but because of various events and "feel" that the pencil will drop. When it comes to beliefs, on death or ice cream, you must find those beliefs that feel right to you...deep down inside...and then explore their ramifications in other areas of life...and then re-evaluate. Ultimately, what is, IS; and as we try to find what is while awake and asleep on this here physical best as we can...we should always trust ourselves.

There are two levels I answer on...and they inter-mix sometimes. One is the every-day, conscious "me" level...where self-reflection, the intellect, intuition, and other conscious inner discussions and reflections takes place. This is the "conscious-figure-things-out" level. The other, less-conscious level is the one I find more fascinating. On this inner level, I kind of stop thinking completely and the answer just comes to me from within. The vocabulary is different than the one I ordinarily use. I think you can easily notice the change-over from the "conscious" me to the "inner" me if ever you re-read any long answers I have given. The inner-me answers just come like from an inner tape recording or something...I hear the voice and sort of take dictation. The outer-me answers are like the kind of thinking-mixed-with-intuition you do every day when thinking over a problem or deciding what to eat for supper.

But just remember, whatever you do, whoever you question, and/or whoever you listen to: Don't ever let anyone tell you that you are unworthy, or bad,or that you must do such-and-such to prove your goodness. You are perfect just as you are. Perfection is always in a state of becoming. We are all perfect with our imperfections...while trying to understand ourselves, the invisible worlds, and life...which always includes compassion and humor and love. Seth said all this stuff to us in class 26 years ago (except for the last few items which I just threw in)...and they are as true today as they were then and as they were 26,000 years ago or in the seeming future.

Question from Anita:

I have found the Seth material a little difficult to stay with but have managed to get through a few of the books. Do you have a personal favorite?

Barrie: Reading a Seth book is like plodding thru a syruppy invisible plasmic, poetic and compassionate goo with wonderful insights every few steps. Sometimes it feels like a few years reading one paragraph; or a few seconds reading one book (when looking back at it once you're done).

To people new to the material...I suggest reading The Seth Material first, and read it thru like a regular book. Then I suggest reading Seth Speaks and The Nature of Personal Reality and the Mass Events book.

There's no simple way to fall thru a 1,000 miles of chocolate mousse. You just jump in and enjoy the journey. One way I have found to read the books (altho this has worked after I was pretty familiar with the philosophies) was to skim the pages until I found something that caught my attention...and then read the next x-number of pages until I lost interest again. And then repeat the deed.

I love those yellow highlighters...and always use one when I read mark what really hits me in order to go back to at a later date and re-read. Re-reading Seth is always like reading it for the first time. I also write in the margins to remember a thought or connection while reading...or to jot down the general topic of the paragraph or pages.

I can't say I have a favorite Seth book. Well, I could say it but I'd be lying. They are all you know. Ricky Stack is putting out a series of 10 books which are the previously unpublished Seth sessions which lead up to Seth Speaks. He's up to #4 by now. If you contact him, you can get them. He can be reached at: or at

Let him know I sent you, so that he can see that all those late nights spent arguing over the meaning of life, Chinese food, and how to stuff snowballs into a leaky radiator to get the car going...have not been in vain.

Question from Steve:

I'm trying to overcome what I now know as belief systems. How can I do this?

Barrie: You can't "overcome" your belief system. What you want to do is "rearrange" your belief system; and replace beliefs you no longer wish to have with their opposites (or with beliefs you do wish to have).

First, you must become aware of what beliefs you do have. This is very simple, altho annoying sometimes. Simply look at your life and what happens to you...and your beliefs are behind it. If you find it difficult to make money, you hold beliefs that make that your reality. You may believe money is evil; artists must suffer; you don't deserve to be happy, etc. You gotta find what the belief is; and then replace it with its opposite or a positive belief you can believe and are comfortable with.

One way to do discover your various beliefs is by stream-of-consciousness writing. Ask yourself to write on a subject, ie: money or anything; and write down whatever comes into your head...and keep jumping on each thought and image and keep writing. Don't judge what comes out...just let it come. When you re-read it a few times...and re-read it also a few days may be surprised at what's there.

If you believe people are mean, you will find yourself coming across people who are mean, etc. And you will say, "See, it ain't my belief. This guy did so-and-so; and people ARE mean." But its the other way around. Because you believe people are mean, like a magnet you will attract mean people to reinfornce your belief.

When something seems like its just true, and beyond any beliefs, there's just a deeper, invisible belief behind it inside you. Problems often exist when we hold conflicting beliefs. Just remember tho, your thoughts and beliefs are like furniture...and you can rearrange them whenever you want...

Question from James Sidaway:

Have you found any source of information which is as resourceful as Seth/Ruburt?

Barrie: Nothing I ever read ever encompassed all that Seth has said. I use Seth's information as the standard by which I judge other spiritual messages and discourse. I have found a few other channelers that seemed to be on the same wavelength--but none ever matched Seth's humanness--his poetic, humorous, compassionate, punny, earthy way of talking about such potentially mind- blowing ideas as well as something as common as a sidewalk. I can't recall any names at the moment. I do remember I thought Ramtha was not helpful or good at all. Something like Michael & Alexander I seem to remember as liking. And also Emmanual. There's someone I've "met" online named Veronica who seems pretty interesting as well.

The most surprising Seth-agreement book I found was by Lyssa Royal & Keith Priest who did channeling of UFO creatures in a book called Creatures From Within. I was surprised because nothing her sources said conflicted with anything Seth has said. It was fascinating to read from a Seth viewpoint and it explained so much about UFOs and abductions (which aren't against anybody's wills; agreements are made on inner levels and the people can't consciously recall them).

Question from James Sidaway:

After many years of pondering Simultaneous Time can you put in words the mechanics by which you feel it operates?

Barrie: I was just reading about this in Book 3 (pp218-256) of the pre-Seth Speaks sessions. Seth says there is an electrical-type universe that co-exists with ours in which thoughts, emotions and dreams are given form and live on independent of us after we experience them (this helps to explain "bad vibes" by the way). Also, astro bodies, inner selves, etc, are given form or live in this electrical universe. The mind is of this universe while the brain in not. Our physical plane cannot exist without this electrical plane; but the electrical plane can exist without our physical plane.

Seth doesn't mean electricity as we commonly think of it. Things are swirling around in this universe and so are we; and no one thing creates the same swirl. No electrical representation is the same as any other they all have different densities & intensities. When we kind of link up or experience a swirl that seems familiar we call that the past. When we experience a new swirl never experienced before we call that the future. The past, present and future all exist in this electrical swirl which somehow takes up no physical space. We translate our experiences in this universe as the past, present and future which are all occurring simultaneously in this swirl.

The following is what I wrote upon reading these pages: "swirling vibrations and intensities layered in endless spacelessness of electrical universe; each intensity unique & never repeated (like snowflakes); all exist in the same blur of motion. When the ever-moving inner self comes upon a familiar vibration, the ego experiences or interprets it as the past. When it comes upon a new intensity vibration, the ego interprets it as the future--but both exist simultaneously in the universe of swirling electrical intensities within which the inner self endlessly travels thru & swirls."

Seth says that a journey thru time is a journey thru electrical intensities. All thought, ideas, emotions, dreams and non-physical beings & experiences have an electrical reality which is felt first and which exists in the electrical universe. We, as physical beings, create physical symbols from this electrical universe in order to experience physical reality in the same manner we create physically-explanable symbolic memories from our dreams in order to make sense out of them while on/in the physical plane or universe.

Statement Question from Carol:

A belief brought to my attention by studying the Seth books is the idea that when you dream, whoever you dream about realizes that you are dreaming about them.

Barrie: Seth's ideas went even further. Whenever you think about anybody the person is aware of it. There is a whole continual underworld of invisible psychic communication constantly occurring between all of us on the planet (its the way of things). We make all our agreements in this manner--in our mutual creation of reality. From things like creating the weather, the earth, and physical objects; to things like who to bang into by accident; who to go to the movies with and what experiences should we experience during the whole time we spend together; who to mug, marry, murder, ask out on a date, etc etc etc.

What's even more fascinating about dreams is the idea that dreams live on independantly of us, even after we awaken...and those "dream world characters" in turn have their own dreams which also live on...and we have an ever- expanding mulitdimensional universe which is physically reflected by what the scientists perceive with their instruments as the "expanding" universe. But what really makes the universe expand are all these inner expansions, one of which is the dream worlds/people.

Question from Anonymous:

I don't believe people choose or ask to die. I don't believe that the college woman who wants to continue her education chooses to die due to hemoragghing or infection or poisoning with lye or scraping with a coat hanger performed by some back alley butcher. I do not believe that husbands and boyfriends choose to be widowed or bereaved. How can you say that people choose their death?

Barrie: This response is aimed, not only towards people aware of Seth's philosophies, but to those grieving people who never heard of Seth but yet somehow found their way to this site.

As some of you may know or remember, I too, lost a loved one. A son, almost 26, killed by a hit-and- run in Buffalo, NY.--on Nov. 6, 1996. So I am not saying what I'm going to say out of ignorance of loss or out of a lack of compassion or understanding...but just the opposite. I am going to write the following in response to the deep pain I have read on these pages...and I offer a perspective which I sincerely hope may help someone...maybe more than one, maybe some two or three or more...

I believe each and every one of us chooses our moment and method of death--but please understand that I am writing from the perspective that DEEP DOWN INSIDE WE ALL KNOW THAT DEATH IS NO END; and that we all visit this "deep down inside" place all the time and make decisions there about what we will experience on the physical plane; and we make these decisions knowing we have survived death many many times; and that we KNOW we will not remember all these inner truths once again when the deaths actual do occur on the physical plane that our phsyical bodies call home.

That's why they say "The truth shall set you free." Once you remember these truths, and they are as real to you as an egg and toast on your plate, then you are free from the "false" perspective which causes all these pains and griefs; and you then can live consciously in a world in which death is nothing to be feared and no end at all.

What I am about to write can only be understood from the perspective from which I am writing. We all make the decision to die while we are in the invisible or spiritual realms or planes. These are the realms we visit in our dreams, in out-of-bodies, and at other times; and FROM WHICH our guardians visit us, or angels, or whatever you wish to call those beings who have discarded the camouflage of physical reality but are still as alive as you or I; and FROM WHICH ALL ADCs occur.

It is in this invisible electrical universe (for lack of a better word) that the spirits of our loved ones enter more permanently when they die (for all of us always are visiting this realm when alive, too), & from which they communicate with us--either in dreams (which also exist in this electrical univerve) or by affecting the physical electricity; or by manifesting those moving lights people talk of seeing while going to sleep....or "visiting" our thoughts. Thoughts too are made of electrical "stuff" and are manifested in these invisible realms, as are emotions and all non-physical events.

When we are in this altered, inner, invisible state...and each one of us are in it for different periods every day while both awake and asleep...while we are in this state we KNOW as we know now that ice cream is cold and that a pencil will drop if you raise it from the table and let it go...while in this invisible in which we are in touch with our inner selves and guardians and all such beings...and in this state we KNOW that death is no end. We KNOW we have lived thru many many deaths and we shall live thru many many more. And we KNOW that everybody, living or dead, is equally conscious and alive.

It is while in this state we choose our death. The type of death we choose--be it from a botched abortion, a car accident, a disease, a miscarriage, a murder, in our sleep at age 98, etc etc etc...--we CHOOSE the type of death we choose in order to best learn & effect or spur on those we love...and ourselves. REMEMBER--WE MAKE THESE CHOICES KNOWING FULL WELL DEATH IS NO END AT ALL. And yes, even us bereaved and grieving parents, friends, relatives and spouses are in on these decisions and know about them in advance; and we all knowingly choose our painful (or joyful when joyful) paths for our own reasons and growth. And even the murderer or drunk driver chooses his/her participation first and with us in these invisible realms.

But remember--we all choose these events while knowing full well that what we will be grieving when "conscious" on the physical plane is only a camouflage; we KNOW full well when making these decisions that death does not exist...and that after a person dies he is as alive as all those who grieve...and his/her personality is just as intact as ever; we KNOW full well that the dead person has simply transformed his/her energy into a form which no longer needs the camouflage of physical reality.

For a simple example: someone who may have lived many many long lives...may then choose to die at a very young age--to get that experience and feel the various and wide-ranging emotions such an experience brings with it to the visible as well as invisible world; meanwhile, he/she also chooses the specific parents to share this experience with (with the parents' agreement--and all in this inner, "knowing-death-is-no-end" realm).

The parents DO get something out of what may appear to be a horrible, victimizing experience--while knowing, but forgetting, that death is no end at all. For a wide variety of possible reasons parents may choose this situation and choose to experience the "jolt" of losing a kid at a young age. It may be in order to get themselves back into a spiritual way of thinking. It may be to get them back on the path of realizing that death is no end. The point is--we do choose our fates...both pleasant and painful...but from a vantage point of knowing it is all a camouflage experience and that no death actually occurs.

This does not preclude free will. For even tho we choose these things long before they happen, and even tho there are many choices to choose from to learn the same things...still...THE PRESENT IS THE POINT OF POWER...and from the present we can choose new directions...but these new choices, too, are not made while eating pizza and being totally lost in the solidity of the physical world...but these new choices are also made in the invisible realms...which we visit and remain fully conscious in while we are in them...but which we then totally forget about when we once again are actually conscious on the physical plane.

I hope I have helped at least one person...and have offended none.

Question from Sue:

If you had to draw a line between what you considered the inner world and the outer world, where would you draw the line? Do I make any sense? Or like where would you say the two worlds merge?

Barrie: There is no line...if you take an apple...and poke a pin slowly into it...even tho it pierces the skin and goes into the core...where do you draw the line between the apple? It is all the apple....

Now, that I've said that....I guess you could draw the line (knowing that there is no line)...or you could focus solely on the skin (knowing it is as much of the apple as is the core & seeds)...I guess you could say when you are experiencing something consciously with your can consider that the outer world...but it is still composed of the energy that composes the inner world...and is still a camouflage reality covering a more full inner reality.

Did you ever wonder what the "substance" is that comes together or materializes as our physical human bodies...and any or all physical objects? What does physical reality actually consist of that becomes such a wonderful camouflage? What it consists of in its "raw" or non-phsical form...and to use physical symbols to describe it because we cannot use any other type of symbols to describe things...what this may look like in one's imagination and sometimes does look like to the eye or inner eye...when it bleeds thru to physical reality and is translated by the mind as "something" -- what it looks like in its transformed or translated state...going thru our physical filters...but not like it really is...but what it looks like...are these swirling lights of energy of various densities and intensities.

In his pre-Seth Speaks books, Seth uses the physical symbol of electrical energy to describe the inner realms which are actually completely non- physical. He's using electrical energy, then, not as a "real thing" but as a symbol to describe something really indescribable in physical terms....but us physical folk need physically-acceptable symbols in order to discuss things & experience things...or else nothing would ever make sense to us....

There is no separate inner realm if you think of it as anything physical. The "swirling balls of electrical energy" is just a way of using physical symbols to describe something. These "things" are not even things but spirits and are full of joy, love, emotions, thoughts, dreams...they (or, better put, we) use this energy to actually create the physical world, the dream world, and all inner and outer worlds.

Just as we create "outer visions" which we happen to call physical reality and all its objects, we create inner visions, as well. The inner visions we experience in dreams, astral travel or OBEs are of these creations...created by us to translate the inner experiences we have. If we did not put our experience in physical terms, using physical symbols (sky, star, home, etc)--the experience would make no sense and be of no use to us as physical beings. We create the physical symbols in order to explain to our ego (or our inner self when it is physically-focused--that is what our ego really is) all the inner experiences it it can make sense of it for our physical bodies to use & react to.

All the emotions and feelings felt are real. Just think, when we try to describe emotions...we use physical symbols...we have to. "I love you to the sky; it fills my heart, my love is like a rose," etc etc etc. It so happens that we not only come up with symbols via our imagination and thoughts...but we conjure up the physical camouflage of our world as well...and as symbols just the same. Now, if I say, "love is like a rose." I don't mean it literally...and so someone should say to me, "Wait a minute, what I felt for my loved one was much more than I ever felt for a rose or when I see a rose." But we use the rose as a symbol we can physically understand, along with any emotions of beauty attached to it, in order to explain something this case, love.

These electrical swirls are our essences and spirits & guides or angels etc...and are alive and teeming with love & playfulness. These essences have been described as "angels"--human bodies with wings....and when people get scared and terrified in these inner realms...they have been described as devils and ugly, etc. I'm describing them as electrical swirls...but only to expand our consciousness more to the idea that these are nonphysical beings or entities of energy. I do not wish to imply that there is something cold or inhuman going on here.

When we die and seeminly "end" on the physical plane, we actually transform our energy into a nonphysical form which no longer needs the camouflage of physical reality...when we do this...this so-called "inner" realm (which is not really inner)--but, in any case, where we "go" and the form we go in...I am describing that invisible state as ever-moving energy...but I don't mean anything mindless. Just the opposite...this energy creates infinite varieties of beautiful environments of which many people call heaven...and many other things...and all the images we "recall" from dream, astral & OBEs.

If these entities/energies co-create the physical universe & earth, etc. (and they do); they can and do create the landscapes and environments of all inner worlds. And they do so all the time. Our spirits (and we are these spirits, too, even while still alive) live in worlds of infinite objects and beings and skies & beauty--it may not be physical to us physical folks...but sometimes we can glimpse images of these beautiful inner landscapes we create...while physical (we call them ADCs [after-death communications]; or swirling lights; etc. The invisible electrical universe of which I speak is teeming with ever changing sunsets, landscapes, time periods, characters, beings, etc etc etc...and the whole gamut of all emotions and dreams.

So, to get back to your question, where do you draw the line between the inner and outer world? You tell me...

Question from Willow:

The part that I can't get into is that as individuals we completely create our own reality. I think the universe is much more complicated than that. Could you comment on this?

Barrie: Perhaps we as individuals are also much more "complicated" than you think. We create our reality both as individuals and en masse. By the way, if we don't create our own reality, then the universe is a random and chaotic place where things just happen...and we are all subject to being victims in this mindless existence...a belief which make much less sense than creating your own reality.

Be that as it may (whatever that means), we create our own reality while in the inner, invisible realms...which we are intimately and intricately connected to & dwelling in while both awake & asleep. It is in this inner, invisible electrical universe of swirling energy of different densities & intensities...this inner realm where all non physical beings & events this realm where we meet with our parents long before we are born & set up the life situation we will be born into...or if we will be born in the first place--it is in this realm that we create our own reality...and then manifest it on the physical plane.

We meet, not as people as we think of them, but as swirling energies ourselves--with our own unique densities & intensities. Then, of course, using free will, when back in the physical bodies we have created for ourselves from this realm, we may alter, change or keep as planned, anything we wish...also with the fore-knowledge of all we know.

But anyway, as individuals, we create our own reality in a number of general ways. Two general ways are like creating the things in a room & events that we get involved in. We take part in these events with people who we have "long before" contacted in the invisible universe & agreed to take part in the meeting someone "accidentally" at the store; or being mugged by someone; or being miscarried in a mom's womb, etc. We meet in the invisible realms & agree to these things & then experience them.

Also as individuals we create, for example, the chair we see in a room. If there are five people in a room at the same "time", each person sees his/her own chair...there are 5 chairs in the 5 rooms....but everything looks pretty much the same because we all agreed beforehand what the chair and room should look like. This accounts for people later on disagreeing about colors, and other things, when describing what happened or what they saw. All of these physical things are actually composed of the energy of this inner or invisible universe...transformed as to appear physical...

En-masse we create things like the earth, weather and all physical objects. I believe that we do all this creating using the parts of the brain that scientists still have no idea what that part of the brain does. They only know about the 10 percent of the brain we use; no nothing about what we do with the other 90 percent. I believe most of the stuff Seth says we do and can do...occurs with our minds interacting with this other 90 percent of the brain.

Question from Willow:

I think that we DO have to be responsible for our actions, like polluting this world. What do you think?

Barrie: We should always be responsible for our actions. This is no way contradicts the belief that we create our own reality. Compassion still reigns supreme, so to speak, as does helping others and making a happy, liveable environment for all. For their own, intimate reasons, some people may choose to be poor, handicapped, or "victims" in some ways....but one of those reasons (for they have many reasons)--but one is for all of us to get our experience in caring and being compassionate and helpful. If there were no people seemingly in need, then there would be no "stage" for compassion, etc, be learned & emotionally experienced.

Question from Willow:

I think we are karma-ly tied here till we take personal responsibility for our actions as humans...know what I mean?

Barrie: I know what you mean, but I disagree. We are not tied here, but choose to be here...and we always take personal responsibility for our actions, whether the conscious personality is aware of it or not. Karma does not involve a pre-set up system under which we are judged for our actions in a lifetime & then either are rewarded or punished for this "past" behavior. There is no such cause & effect.

Karma is simply the system each person uses to choose things concerning his/her "next" life. For example, a so-called thoughtless killer in one life....may choose to be a loving doctor with a million friends in the next life who lives to be 100...or may choose to be tragically killed himself at age 30...or may choose to be born with one leg...or may choose to be a great athlete & help others with his money....He may choose any of these (& many other choices, of course)--all with the same goal, tho, and that goal may be to re-experience compassion, love & friendship...things he may have lacked experiencing in his "last" life. So karma, then, is this whole intimate and personal process of making the decisions about what you want your circumstances to be in the next life. It all involves choice... not moral or other judgments of right,wrong,good,bad ... and their accompanying rewards or punishments.

I hope this has helped in some way. It has helped do all of these qustions and answers...from Willow and everybody...





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