
Just so I don't get slapped with unnecessary lawsuits, I'll give credit where credit is due.

Photo Credits

Description: Source: Photographer: Copyright:
North American movie poster Hamlet postcard Rolf Konow 1996 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.
International movie poster French Premiere June 1997 Rolf Konow 1996 Castle Rock Entertainment
Patrick Doyle Hamlet soundtrack Peter Mountain 1996 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
To be or not to be Boston Phoenix website Peter Mountain 1996 Castle Rock Entertainment
Kenneth Branagh A Midsummer Night's Dream CD Andrew MacPherson 1996 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.

Text Credits

Description: Source: Author: Copyright:
Soundtrack comments Hamlet soundtrack Patrick Doyle & Kenneth Branagh 1996 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
"In Pace" lyrics Hamlet soundtrack The Book of Wisdom, whoever wrote that 1996 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Hamlet quotations Hamlet (The Oxford Shakespeare) Stanley Wells (Ed.) 1987 Oxford University Press

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Last Updated: 99/06/19
© Copyright 1997-2002 by Virginia Leong