Characterization Worksheet

As with my Plot Worksheet, this is a revised version of a structural method of teaching literature which I learned from my chairman at William Floyd High School some years ago.  I am indebted to the late Irwin Abrams for much of my approach to literature.

Before getting into the worksheet, the student must understand the main types of characters:

The story's main character, the hero who has the conflict.

The bad guy, the character who opposes the hero.

A character who is either very much like the protagonist, 
or his mirror image, from whom he can learn.

A character with whom the protagonist can share his thoughts.

A character who represents a group, or class of people.


Name of Character:
Title of Work:

I. Type of Character:  (Protagonist, Antagonist, Foil, Confidante, or Stereotype.  Explain why you chose as you did.)
II. Background: (Identification, character's age, sex, ethnic background, friends, family, religion, and other relevant material)

III. Values:  What are the character's moral, cultural, and ethnic values?

IV. Personal Conflict:  What problem must the character overcome?

V. Personal Events Which Intensity the Conflict: What happens in the story to make the conflict difficult to solve?
VI. Personal Climax:  What decision does the character make to solve the conflict?

VII. Changes in Character as a Result of Events in the Story:    What changes have been made in the character's values and  beliefs as a result of his decision.  (Characters who do not change are said to be STATIC.  Those who do change are

Click here for an example of a Character Worksheet

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