European Rensburg

Author: A.M. van Rensburg (b4 c2 d1 e6 f5 g5 h3 i2)
Webmaster: M.A. van Rensburg (b4 c2 d1 e6 f5 g5 h3 i2 j1)

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JACQUES E RENSBURG, born May 22, 1846, at Rotterdam, also began his cello studies under Ganz in his ninth year, and continued them under Giese, Daniel de Lange, and Emil Hegar. Rensburg was destined for a commercial and not an artistic career, but his inclination for music so increased with time, that in 1867 he received permission from his father to devote himself to Art. He now went about the middle of the year named to Cologne, in order to pursue a course under the talented Violoncellist, Schmitt. The latter, however, was already, in consequence of a chest malady which, later, carried him off, so suffering that Rensburg's wish was not fulfilled of learning from him. Instead of becoming Schmitt's pupil he was his temporary assistant, as first Cellist in the orchestra of the Gurzenich Concerts, as well as teacher in the Rhenish School of Music at Cologne. Both offices were given over to him definitely on April 1, 1868, on account of his valuable services, for, in the meantime, Schmitt had died. Besides his official duty, Rensburg frequently performed with favourable success in the tours of the Rhenish Provinces, as well as in North Germany, -and in 1872, also, in the Leipsic Gewandhaus as a soloist; but the ceaseless application with which he practised his profession brought on a nervous affection, which compelled him to retire into private life. In the autumn of 1874 he went to his native town, and since the spring of 1880 be has been living at Bonn, where he is Partner in a mercantile undertaking. Of his compositions have appeared: "Recitative, Adagio, and Allegro, in the form of a Concerto." )

Rensburg, Jacques E. [from old catalog]
Concert für violoncell mit orchesterbegleitung...Op. 3.
Berlin, Ries & Erler [n.d.]
80 p. fol. cm.

Rensburg, Jacques E. [from old catalog]
Concertstück. Neue Ausg. für Violoncell und Pianoforte.
Concertstück, violoncello & orchestra, op. 1; arr. [from old catalog]
Leipzig, Breitkopf & Härtel [1888]
score (17 p.) and Part. cm.

Jacques Karel Rensburg,

Nederlands dichter en romanschrijver ('s-Gravenhage 24.3.1870-concentratiekamp Sobibor 7.5.1943). Autodidact. Leefde als randfiguur van de Amsterdamse bohème (in het bijzonder van De Kring) van de hand in de tand, afhankelijk van giften en leningen of opdrachten van uitgevers. Werd om zijn wereldvreemde religieus-theoretische ideeën nauwelijks serieus genomen.

Hij beschouwde zelf zijn Theorie der evolutie, van oerschrift en oertaal tot wereldschrift en wereldtaal (1930), dat het eerste deel moest zijn van een boek met een allesomvattend astraal wereldbeeld, als zijn levenswerk. Om zijn naïef utopisme werd hij de joodse graalzoeker genoemd. Behalve dit omvangrijke project schreef Rensburg Japanse verzen (1903), waarin hij oosterse en westerse mystiek tracht te verbinden. Voorts publiceerde hij de roman Amsterdams koningschap (1903), als tegenhanger van Couperus' Majesteit en Wereldvrede, en schreef hij de Sonnetten van Piet Lut (1925). Rensburg verzorgde een aantal vertalingen, o.m. van Dante, Shakespeare, Zola en Rostand.

Jacques Karel Rensburg
Born 24 Marcht 1870, Den Haag
Died 7 May 1943 at Sobibor, Poland

Sobibor Concentration Camp. Only 52 prisoners from the Sobibor concentration camp survived World War Two.

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