You just hit Mario's Homepage

This page was thought for your pleasure...

... or grief !!!






the contents in this homepage

can't bite,

can't beat,

can't hurt

good people like you


(sounds better if you can listen to the music)


Anyway, Mario hopes that you will enjoy it.

(If not, you may let him know about your dissatisfaction...)




Want to see more ? OK, please click your choice below


Introducing myself
The family
My place
The stream of my life
What I like the most
What I dislike the most
My expectations
What about this Homepage ?

(if you miss it, you will miss the real thing...)




Last issue: 9-12-1999

Click on the picture


Click on them




Click the rings


Do not miss this...


... nor this


Click on the heart to get there





Click the cat





Click on it




And the works still going on...




Would you be so kind to sign my Guestbook ? Yes ? Thanks a lot for your kindness.

Then, click here, please


No !? Then... thanks for coming, and Good Bye !
Click here 


The link to my Webpage on the Timor Loro Sae issue
A record for History
Click the banner, please


Amnesty International on-line





Best with Get it FREE ...

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Pictures showing some bronze sculptures published with the kind permission of the author Haim Azuz.

If you like to see more of his beautiful artworks, please click on COOL LINKS

Some wonderful backgrounds and animated graphics were kindly provided by (or "stollen" from...) sites you can find at COOL LINKS

Last edited: 02-04-2005