Extensive and Exhaustively Researched
of Completely, Totally, and Utterly
Useless Facts

Oak trees do not produce acorns until they are fifty years of age or older.

Most of the vitamin C in fruits is in the skin.

A peanut is not a nut or a pea it's a legume.

Six ounces of orange juice contains the minimum daily requirement for vitamin C.

One ragweed plant can release as many as one billion grains of pollen.

The term 'hay fever' originated in England, where some people suffered allergic symptoms during hay pitching time when the symptoms became serve, workers often felt feverish.

There is cyanide in apple pips.

Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking up in the morning

You use more calories eating celery than there are in the celery itself.

Bamboo (the tallest grass in the world) can grow up to 90cm in a day.

10 Facts

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