Joseph Campbell Mythology Group
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Alchemy | Books | Calendars | Campbell | Creatures & Beasts | Dream Resources | Eliade | General Legend, Folklore and Folk Tale Resources | General Mythology & Reference | Jung | Regional Myth, Folklore & Symbols | African | Australian | Byzantine | Celtic | Chinese | Egyptian | German | Indian (Asia) | North American - Native American | North American - Other | People | Persian | Sufi | People | Campbell | Eliade | Jung |

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The Joseph Campbell Mythology Group is a collection of people gathered together to discuss, learn, and understand our varied mythologies... past and present... and to imagine our mythologic future.
This is a resource page for anyone interested in alchemy, archetypes, Joseph Campbell, Mircea Eliade, C.G. Jung, mythology, the mythic path, symbology, or spirituality.


Ten Commandments for Reading Myth

1. Read myths with the eyes of wonder: the myths transparent to their universal meaning, their meaning transparent to its mysterious source. 2. Read myths in the present tense: Eternity is now. 3. Read myths in the first person plural: the Gods and Goddesses of ancient mythology still live within you. 4. Any myth worth its salt exerts a powerful magnetism. Notice the images and stories that you are drawn to and repelled by. Investigate the field of associated images and stories. 5. Look for patterns; don't get lost in the details. Whatis needed is not more specialized scholarship, but more interdisciplinary vision. Make connections; break old patterns of parochial thought. 6. Resacralize the secular: even a dollar bill reveals the imprint of Eternity. 7. If God is everywhere, then myths can be generated anywhere, anytime, by anything. Don't let your Romantic aversion to science blind you to the Buddha in the computer chip. 8. Know your tribe! Myths never arise in a vacuum; they are the connective tissue of the social body which enjoys synergistic relations with dreams (private myths) and rituals (the enactment of myth). 9. Expand your horizons! Any mythology worth remembering will be global in scope. The earth is our home and humankind is our family. 10. Read between the lines! Literalism kills; Imagination quickens. From the Mythos Institute web site. Copyright, 1989, Ted E. Tollefson

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Alchemy | The Alchemy Site A huge resource. Over 200 alchemical texts. Some texts in Spanish, French, German, and Russian. | John Dee web site. Elizaethan alchemist and mathematician. |
Books | Selected & Recommended Readings |
Calendars | Joesph Campbell Mythology Group Calendar Important dates in the mythic year. Draws mainly from The Pagan Book of Days: A Guide to the Festivals, Traditions, and Sacred Days of the Year, by Nigel Pennick as its source. | Catholic Saints Feast Day calendar | Ogham alphabet and Celtic Tree calendar |
Creatures & Beasts | Changelings. | Werewolves. |
Dream Resources | The Association for the Study of Dreams. Pure and applied investigation of dreams and dreaming. | DreamGate | Dream Dictionary |
General Legend, Folklore and Folk Tale Resources | Foklore, Myth, and Legend University of Calgary. | | Home page of folklorist Terri Windling. | Legends History, Literature, Folklore, Art. |
General Mythology & Reference | The Center For Story and Symbol A "must-visit" for anyone interested in Joseph Campbell, mythology, or creativity. The Center For Story and Symbol was established by Jonathan Young, assistant and archivist to Joseph Campbell. The Center offers continuing education workshops for clinical psychologists, social workers, and other mental health professionals. (MCEP, MFT, LCSW, and RN C.E. qualified. | Mythica Art & Vision An incredible resource and a labor of love. Also see the home page. Mystical watercolor paintings & dreamlike fiction rooted in mythology, archetypes & the divine feminine. Mythical fish, dragons, mermaids, goddesses, angels & fairies in a vivid, aqueous, "asian" style. | Organization for Religious Tolerance Balanced, unbiased information on most religious and spiritual groups. | World Civilization. An Internet class and anthology. Washington State University. | World Mythology. | Isis' Web Site Celtic, Egyptian, Romano Britain, and more. | Perseus Digital Library General, comprehensive resource. Greek and Roman specialty. | Sacred Texts Sacred texts of many religious traditions. | Bulfinch's Mythology | A fascinating symbology reference. | Atalante & Cie En Francais et Anglais. Bilingual mythic resource. |
Regional Myth, Folklore & Symbols | Regional Folklore and Mythology. |
African | African Traditional Religions. A very comprehensive resource. | NEW African Mythological Characters. | NEW | World Mythology: Africa. |
Australian | Australian Aboriginal Encyclopedia | Aboriginal Studies Virtual Library |
Byzantine | Byzantine Studies. Fordham University. |
Celtic | NEW Animal Symbolism in Celtic Mythology | Encyclopedia of the Celts |
Lugodoc's Guide to Celtic Mythology | NEW Celtic Brittany Bilingual French-English site. En Francais and en Anglais. | Ogham Alphabet and Celtic tree resource |
Chinese | Ancient Chinese Fables | Chinese Zodiac | Chinese Myths and Fantasies | Folktales from China University of Pittsburgh | NEW Cyclical Time in Chinese Thinking |
Egyptian | Ancient Egypt | The Giza Plateau Mapping Project | Guardian's Egypt | Dr. Zawi Hawass Web Site | Virtual Egypt |
German | German Myths, Legends and Sagas. | German Werewolf Legends. | Werewolves and the German Underworld. |
Indian (Asia) | Indian Folklore and Folktales. Maintained by Dr. Mahendra Kumar Mishra.
ALL NEW North American - Native American | A | Abenaki Home Page | Alabama-Coushatta Tribal Site | Aleut | White Mountain Apache Tribal Site | Becoming Woman: Apache Female Puberty Sunrise Ceremony | Jicarilla Apache Site | Tonkawa, Karankawa, and Lipan Apache Site | Northern Arapaho - Wind River Tribal Site | Alabama-Coushatta Tribal Site | Alabama-Coushatta Tribal Site | Alabama-Coushatta Tribal Site | B | Blackfeet Nation Site | Blackfeet Tales | Blackfoot Nation/Blackfoot University (Long Standing Bear Chief) | C | Cherokee (Amonsoquath Tribe) | Cherokee Heritage Center | The Cherokee Nation Site Tribal site. | Southern Cherokee Nation Site Tribal site. | Tallige Cherokee Nation Site | United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee University of Arkansas site. | Cheyenne Mankato State University | Cheyenne Language | Chippewa (Ojibway) - Fond Du Lac Band of Chippewa | Chippewa (Ojibway) - Mille Lacs Band of Chippewa | Chippewa (Ojibway) - The Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians | Chippewa (Ojibway) - White Earth Band of Chippewa | The Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma Tribal site.| Coeur d' Alene Tribe Tribal site.| Comanche Mankato State University. | Numuukahni/Comanche Lodge | Tamástslikt Cultural Institute (Cayuse, Umatilla, and Walla Walla) | D | The Dakota Society of Minnesota (Dakota Sioux) | A Study and Timeline of the Lakota Nation (Oglala Lakota Sioux) | Black Elk (Oglala Sioux, 1863-1950) Prayers and quotes| Black Elk (Oglala Sioux, 1863-1950) Brief bio and chronology.| G | Gros Ventre | Gros Ventre Mankato State University.| H | Hopi Tribal site.| Hopi Cultural Preservation Office Northern Arizona State University.| Hopi Mankato State University.| Hopi Prophecies | The Hopi Way | Hopi University of Indiana.| Pages From Hopi History University of Arizona Press site.| Hopi Experience Colorado State University site.| I | Inupiat /Inupiaq A very nice site. Maintained by Norman Chance.| Inupiat /Inupiaq Interesting enthomedicine site.| Iroquois – Oneida Nation Tribal site. Very well done.|
North American - Other | American Folklife Center Library of Congress. |
Persian | Epic of Kings: Persian Hero Tales | Zoroastrianism |
Sufi | Sufism resource |
Campbell | The Joseph Campbell Foundation | Joseph Campbell's Mythic Journey An article by Jonathan Young that appeared in New Perspectives in 1994. |
Eliade | Eliade International Literary Society | An extensive Mircea Eliade site. | Greek/Latin vocabulary guide to Eliade |
Jung | The C.G. Jung Page A good fundamental resource with many other links. | Jung, Analytical Psychology and Culture | Jungian Resource Page | Jung Web |

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Updated by: Michael Pfeifer