The In-Depth Guide is complete. For those of you with experience with crabs or are just here for a closer look, click Here to access it. Scroll down for the basic Guide.

Hermit crabs are among the most exotic of pets a hobbyist can keep legally these days. They are small, no larger than your hand, non-aggressive, easy to clean up after, and don't require any sort of exercise outside of their caged environment. Originating from the shores of Carribean Islands, this popular pet first appeared in store tanks in the mid 70's. By the early 1980's, however, they were popular almost everywhere, and this popularity has persisted through today.

This page is for all those dedicated crab owners. Your crab could live anywhere from 2-15 years if you simply read over the material provided here. By taking a little time to provide your crabs with a little more than the bear essentials, you can ensure their happiness and survival for years to come.

The Basic Guide is up and running. Click Here to access it.

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