The Battle of

1275 B.C.

Site by Rob Wanner

Welcome, visitor number

The Battle of Kadesh is truly the mother of all battles, in every sense. Fought on the banks of the Orontes River in Syria, this is the earliest battle of which solid military tactics are known. Pharoah Ramesses II led an army of 20,000 men in an attempt to maintain his crumbling empire. Muwatallish, the Hittite king, had set an ambush for the Egyptians, sending about 1,500 chariots, each holding three men.

This site includes my research paper about the Battle of Kadesh, as well as some other things that waste valuable web space. For those of you who wonder where the other stuff is, go to the About Me Page.

For my research paper, click on the arrows.


If you would like to see my CV it is available here:
CV for Robert Wanner.


Feel free to e-mail me at:
w a n n e r m a k e r @ y a h o o . c o m
Note: spaces added in between characters to block those pesty bots from sending me SPAM.

Please, be mindful in your questions (and in consultation of my paper) that I am not an Egyptologist; I am just a student interested in the Battle of Kadesh.

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