Mrs. Affinito's
Social Studies Resource Page 

"All that is not given is lost"- Indian Proverb

Help the Victims of Hurricane Katrina

Now more than ever, Americans need your help. Please help in whatever way you can to the plight of the people in the Gulf Coast.

Save Darfur

Student activism has historically played a crucial role in promoting human rights and social justice. Young people continue to follow in the tradition of student activism, from the Civil Rights Movement here in the U.S. to the struggle to end Apartheid in South Africa.

You can raise awareness and act to help bring an end to the atrocities in Darfur.
(taken from

AP World History

The purpose of the course is to develop a greater understanding of the evolution of global processes and contacts, in interaction with different types of human societies. Focused primarily on the past thousand years of the global experience, the course builds on an understanding of cultural, institutional and technological precedents that, along with geography, set the human stage prior to 1000 C.E. This course requires reading in depth from books, essays and periodicals. The student will be expected to demonstrate mastery and understanding by presenting written essays on the aspects of the period under study. The student is encouraged to take the Advanced Placement Examination

- Northern Valley Course Description

Freshmen World Civilizations

This course, required of all New Jersey high school students, supports understanding and appreciation
of the rich and diverse cultures of the world. A global education approach is emphasized stressing the
interdependence of world geographical regions. The skills of observation and analysis are applied to the
study of significant social, economic, and political trends. The completion of research projects and
interdisciplinary activities with the English Department are required.

- Northern Valley Course Description

Useful Websites

Use these resources inside and outside of the classroom.


Read inspirational advice from famous and not-so-famous people.

Current Events

Gain access to newspapers and news websites from around the world.

Correspond with a solider (click here)

No matter what side of the political spectrum you are on, help support our troops all over the
world with a kind word.

Contact Information

Obtain email, voice mail and extra help information.

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Quotes    Current Events  Contact Information

The above images on this and other pages have been taken from the following web site: