
Hello, my name's Aria and I'm the resident feedback-starved writer =). As you can tell, writing makes me happy. I tend to have a little trouble expressing what I feel to people normally, but on paper it's a different story. I hope you like the humble pieces (I call all my essays, reviews and stories "pieces") I have to offer--they all come from the heart. By all means, feel free to email me
after all that's why this page is here. I am quite diligent with my email and can
guarantee a reply. I'm also interested in reading other peoples writing and just discussing writing in general, please email me--I don't bite :)

I think I have rambled emough here, scroll down, choose your corner and most of all enjoy!


In which Aria rambles aimlessly about herself
(a must-read) =)

Aria's Corner of Morbidity: A Brief Discussion of Death Personified

"Thoughts On" portfolio: essays, reviews

Short Stories

Talya's Poetry




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