Origins of Scotland

Legend says that a Greek prince called Gaythelos married the
Egyptian Pharaoh's daughter named Scota They were expelled from
Egypt and instead of heading back to Greece headed north
into Spain with their followers

From there they sent out ships to explore the oceans and retuned
with news of a beautifull land across the ocean (Ireland). His son Hiber
invaded the land and named it Scotia after his mother. From Ireland they
crossed into Albion and settled in the west initialy in peace with Picts.

The Picts however became uneasy about the large number of people
from Scotia (Scots) settling in their land that they decreed that no
foreigner should remain in their settlements and cast them out. Upon
hearing that a tribe of Scots in another land were being mistreated and
were leaderless. A noble named Fergus gathered a great company
of men and set forth to Albion.

There he gathered together those Scots already there in Argyll
and became King Fergus I. The Scots and the Pict lived in their
separate lands in relative peace for 500 years until legend has
it that a dispute over a hunting dog between representatives
meeting at the border of the two lands escalated into war
between the two.

Wars / Wallace / Bannockburn / Declaration of Arbroath
Bruce / Stone of Destiny / Home / Inventors