Reviews for Magic Fire

June 7,1999

Name: Michelle
Location: England
Age: 14
Rating: 6 out of 10
Comments: Magic Fire was a very strange book to say the least. It was very confusing and the amount of twists in the story was amazing. It was out of this world stuff and fantasy based, but was quite a good read though i wouldn't recommend it to people just starting to read Christopher Pikes books as the storyline and ending may put some off. For me personally i liked the storyline but it ended out being very weird and mind-bending!

June 18,1999

Name: Soraya
Location: Melbourne
Age: 15
Rating: 7 out of 10
Comments:I found this book different from his other works. It was a bit difficult to grasp at times and even the subtle hints at the truth in the story was rather confusing. However, the storyline was very inventive. While it was a fantasy novel, the elements on truth in the story were at times hard to distinguish. I thought that he needed to explore the ending a little more to help cast away any feelings and doubt and confusion in the readers mind.

July 7,1999

Name: Alyson
Location: Fort Wayne, IN
Age: 15
Rating: 9 out of 10
Comments: This book was so cool! I loved the way it started as a normal pyro turned psycho then took the sci-fi twist. I don't normally read sci-fi but when Christopher Pike combines horror and sci-fi its so awesome. He doesnt make it all high tech and not able to understand. I also love the way he always makes a stranger appear at the beginning of the book and leaves you guessing what major role this person plays in the long run, like Jessa in Magic Fire. I really recommend this book. Actually I recommend all of his books even though I havent read them all. But for anyone who has never read even one of his books, just read one and you'll be hooked!!

July 13,1999

Name: Phil
Location: Canada
Age: 14
Rating: 7 out of 10
Comments: This is not one of Pike's best books. Never mind the fact that it reminded me of "The Matrix". I would have been content with a plot about a simple pyromaniac who falls in love with a girl, burns the town, and runs away together.

July 31,1999

Name: Nikki
Age: 17
Location: Los Angeles
Rating: 10 out of 10
Comments: Magic Fire had a different ending than his other books, but all the same it was magnificent. It was detailed and imaginative. My rating is high because you would have to really have a great understanding of what Pike was describing, to really enjoy the pulp of the story. Its another master piece.

August 4,1999

Name: Brittany
Age: 15
Location: Maryland
Rating: 10 out of 10
Comments: Magic Fire was one of Christopher Pikes best book.It was great! i loved the idea of the dream/reality Mark and Jessa were in. The cover and back of the book are very miss leading... it wasn't about Mark being a pyro. The book really made me look at life from a different view. The story seem to be a cross between Stephen King's "Fire Starter" and the movie "Matrix", but with a twist only Pike can give.... By the way... CP started working on "Magic Fire" as early as was mentioned in one of his earlier books... *Hint ... "How's your pyromaniac story going?" Jimmy asked. "Great. My hero just burned down half of Malibu. He's about to steal a gasoline truck he's in seventh heaven"

August 5,1999

Name: Katrina
Age: 16
Location: Toronto
Rating: 8 out of 10
Comments: I thought this book was amazing. I loved how the type of story changed from realistic (a pyromaniac and the girl he loves go to school and do drugs) to sci-fi (he discovers aliens have taken over the world and only he has the power to release the world from under alien control) and then back to reality again. I thought the plot idea was incredible, and I loved the way that all through the story all the characters make subtle hints that you don't understand until the second or third time you read it. The only thing about this story I didn't like was the ending. Not so much the way it ended- I loved how everything turned out to be Jessa's fantasy, but the very last few lines. I didn't really get whether he was back in reality, or whether the aliens had just altered their control over his brain. Oh well. Overall I think this was one of Pike's strongest and most intense books- I wouldn't recommend it as your first Chris Pike book- it's a little hard to follow at times, as a! ! re all his sci-fi books. For your first book I would recommend one based entirely in reality, like the Final Friends series, or Die Softly.

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