THE FOUR FORCES are the means by which Reality manifests in any form on any plane, here or anywhere throughout the Cosmos. They are the means, by which BEING creates.

WATER-AIR-EARTH and FIRE are symbols of the Reality they each beautifully represent.

"These four forces are always present in every creation. They are present in you, or you could not be. There is the physical fact of water itself. The largest portion of your body is water, but that water symbolizes the truth, and in that truth there is the design of your being, of the basic factors which make possible the control elements by which life can manifest. Then the air symbolizes spirit. As water symbolizes truth, air symbolizes spirit. The Master emphasized this matter on a number of occasions- "The wind bloweth where it listeth"-to illustrate the nature of spirit. Man cannot see air, under ordinary conditions, but he can feel it. So with the spirit. You cannot see spirit with the physical vision but you can feel it. We come to know that those who think they have seen spirit, as such, have not, because spirit must have a means of connecting up with the physical substance, or form. This connecting substance has to be generated by some means in the realm of form, so that it will be present in the realm of form as a medium by which it can connect up with spirit. This particular substance we call pneumaplasm. It is the first vibrational factor in relationship to physical substance which allows contact with spirit."

"The fourth force is fire. And of course, we use fire everyday. Every time you drive an automobile it is because of the reality of fire, the combustion that takes place in the cylinder. We use fire in many ways, but this is physical fire. This physical fire is not the thing symbolized. Let us note: Man has used without any real regard for the truth. Man has used air without any real regard for the spirit. Man has used the physical earth without any real regard for the substance which is acted upon in any creative process. Man has used fire without any real regard for the fire of God's love. The fire of God's love must be recognized as something which is vitally important in the living of life, just as important as the electric spark from the spark plug which ignites the gases in the fire chamber of the cylinder and produces power in the automobile engine, just as important as physical fire is in relationship to any of man's practical devices. This that God has designed is likewise practical, and man could not be using these methods if they were not already fundamentally a part of the creation, in principle, in fact, in relationship to the vibrational patterns of being."

by Uranda, as excerpted from "Behold I Create" published by The Third Sacred School

In the science of 'Quantum Physics', there is now a recognition that there are in fact 'Four Basic Forces' at work in the Cosmos, from the atomic level to the Cosmic. They are :

The 'Electromagnetic' Interaction Force

The 'Weak' Interaction Force

The 'Gravitational' Interaction Force

The 'Strong' Interaction Force.

The 'Strong Force' is the cosmic glue which binds all things together in a Unified Field. In the symbolical terminology we shall be using, it is symbolized by FIRE, which represents LOVE!




symbolized by WATER, which represents the Pattern of TRUTH!

Now.... if you will allow yourself to suspend judgment, preconception, or prejudice for a moment, we will present a vital 'MYSTIC KEY' which will allow us to open up
a whole 'NEW PARADIGM' !


It behooves us to understand the basics of their sequential and ubiquitous operation.

So, consider the statement below this paragraph, and assume it as a hypothesis for now. As you prove it out in your own living it will become much more tangible. Then you will know of a certainty that it is the Truth for you and all of humankind. It may not seem evident by what you know of 'the normal experience' in Life, but nevertheless.....


If you can comprehend the following statement of truth, you will 'resonate' with the fact that each of us is intimately related with these creative 'Forces' of Reality.
What is designated by the word GOD includes you. For in essence the Truth is 'that your Positive Center of god-being, is an individualized differentiation, or aspect of the totality of what we call GOD, or SOURCE, or many other sacred names. But as the Prophet put it:
"Hear ..., The LORD, our GOD is ONE GOD!"

The 'names', we use to denote this Reality
are simply substitutes, or symbols which seek to point too 'the In-phi-nite'
and indescribable back of, the world of time and space.
Nevertheless, this numinous Reality manifests right here
in the world which we all perceive through the senses.
These word symbols are useful however.
They allow us to approach the 'Thing Itself'
with some degree of understanding.

Further to the above ; and being a vital part of the Whole,
The Essence of Who You Are

Your outer capacities are earthy, a perfect reflection of Absolute Reality.
They are the means through which the Divine Essences of your 'Being'
shine forth into the world you center on earth.
This creates the potential of coming into attunement with
the Creative Process - which operates through the Four Forces.

This is a flowing with 'Tao'/the Way of Life. And as such it allows the oft unknown Truth of the 'Heavenly', or 'Being' aspects of your Reality to be given free expression according to the Divine Design, on earth.


Therefore, as you harmonize with 'The Four Forces' as they apply to you,
your 'spiritual expression' will prove the quality of your 'true nature'.
You and I are a particularized differentiations of the totality of BEING.

If we wish to no longer be 'missing in action', and are to assume our true roles as 'co-creators' on earth, we need to learn something of the nature and characteristics of these 'Four Creative Forces'.

These 'Forces' are represented symbolically by the Four Primordial Elements of
Water, Air, Earth, and FIRE.
Their eternal cycle is known as 'The Creative Process'.

In Quantum Physics, which is almost a branch of mysticism these days, the Four Forces are described in their essence as the following.

(I will correlate them with the symbols that we will be using, as well.)




SYMBOLIC ... .................................................................QUANTUM PHYSICS

1. WATER: symbol of TRUTH ........................................The Electromagnetic Force

2.AIR: symbol of SPIRIT..................................................The 'Weak' Force

3.EARTH: symbol of FORM/LIFE...................................The Gravitational Force

4.FIRE :symbol of LOVE...................................................The Strong Force

ad infinitum...


Spiral ascending out of spiral this specific sequential movement

You may notice that the sequence of these 'Forces' is the opposite of that which man has used in his distorted, self-centered application of these laws and principles of the creative process.

For instance, in what is now called 'astrology', (which does have a basis in truth) we now have the cycle beginning the other way round, with Fire first, followed by Earth, then Air, and finally Water. This is known as the 'FEAW pattern' (the fear pattern) under which humankind has been hypnotized for millennia. It actually represents the misuse of 'The ONE Force' which was divided into 'FOUR HEADS'. In man's unwise use of these powerful creative forces for his or her own purposes, the control pattern was always based in the opposite of Love and Freedom, which is merely the absence of the reality, and manifest as hate and bondage through fear.

All Power ultimately comes from ONE Source.


But to have real and lasting meaning in the context of 'the Larger Whole', it must be used selflessly in Service. The service of that which ultimately generates it in each moment of eternity! All things that have form are created through 'The eternal cycle of the Four Forces.' Here on earth or anywhere in the Cosmos.



10. And a river (THE ONE SOURCE) went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became four heads.

Click on the following links to explain

The Cycle of Creation.

We shall examine into the sequence of the true working of these 'Four Creative Forces' as revealed to those 'who have eyes to see'. This process is clearly and succinctly outlined in the early portions of the book of Genesis. Of course this same truth is proclaimed in many other cultures and scriptures around the world, but we shall use this source for our meditation on TRUTH, SPIRIT, FORM, & LOVE the true sequence - Water, Air, Earth and then Fire.

Note* There are also supplementary meditations provided at the bottom of each of the following linked pages for those who really wish to experience a new paradigm of understanding insofar as 'Third Sacred School' material.

[Bullet] WATER


[Bullet] EARTH

[Bullet] FIRE




Send e-mails to with questions or comments about this site.
to Gary Courtland-Miles

Last updated July 2005.