Mr. Whitmore: 5' 7", 147 lbs, 70 years old. Mr. Whitmore is an old friend of Milo's grandfather, and promised him before he died that he believed in the stories of Atlantis. In order to clear his guilt for not really believing for so long, Mr. Whitmore hopes to get a shred of poof the Atlantis really exists.

Mr. Whitmore
I drew this so please don't take it.

Mr. Whitmore
Mr. Whitmore opeing his gift from Milo.

Mr. Whitmore and Milo
Mr. whitmore listening as Milo is talking about Atlantis.

Mr. Whitmore and Milo
Mr. Whitmore listening to Milo say he'd rent a rowboat to go find Atlantis.

Mr. Whitmore
Mr. Whitmore and his voice artist.

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