I have recently found a tried-and-true putting tip by my own trial and error. It really works! VISUALIZE THE HOLE IN YOUR PUTT When you shoot a basketball, do you look at the ball, or do you look at the rim? In most cases, you look at the rim and can feel the amount of distance you need to throw the ball to get it into the basket. The same principle applies for golf. When you stand over the ball, take a look at the hole once or twice to get the image of the hole into your mind. Slowly draw your eyes back over the ball with the image of the hole in your mind. While thinking of the hole, make the best putting stroke you can make and hit it. You have a much better chance of making the putt because you visualized the hole and knew exactly where it was and hit the ball accordingly. When you have a very short putt, it may also work to keep the hole in the corner of your left eye. That will help to focus your concentration on the hole and not the ball. You'll hole more short putts if you do this. NOTE: This tactic also works well with chip and pitch shots. Visualize the pin. I did this on one hole, chipped in, and kept on chipping the ball close for the rest of the round. I continue to do this now.