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Last edited on:
Saturday, April 06, 2002


Welcome to the Washington State Disc Golf Scene  web site.  






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Washington Disc Golf People
 Just getting something up and running.  Look for future updates very soon.  I need as much new pertinent information for this site.  If you have League dates and times, PDGA sanctioned and non sanctioned events, clinics, course descriptions, pictures, etc, please let me know.  I would like to get this site back up to date, but without your help, that cannot happen.  Many thanks to Tuffi Dolan for helping with the site.  She has been instrumental in getting me information the first iteration of this site and I hope for more in the future.  

North Park Disc Golf Course

Washington State Disc Golf Scene News and Information

North Park Disc Golf Course

Washington State Disc Golf Scene News and Information

Fort Steilacoom Open Info page

Mount Lake Terrace Disc Golf Course
Updated with Hole pictures


I will be adding more information as you, the Washington State Disc Golfers get it to me.  If you want to see it here, let me know and I will try to find a place for it.  If anyone has any logos for disc clubs in Washington, please send them to me so that I can get them on this page as soon as possible.  You can email me at  I look forward to making this a very exciting web page with your help.

Terry Toolen
PDGA # 10774
ADGA TD and Web Master