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Ayaga Bay is located in the southern hemisphere of the world Alskyr, the bay is favored with warm winds and balmy weather throughout the seasons.  Only recently colonized, its multitude of beaches and peaceful forests are foreseen to create a booming tourism industry.  Until the creation of Arole Yein Caer, Aerie Volia-Kaun, and Corana Cove the inhabitants of the island lived in fear of an Ant Swarm or increasing encroachment of the Rampage Plant.  With Dragons, Gryphons, and Sea Dragons to protect the island from danger, more permanent settlements have been established and trade routs to other islands formed.

A list of Alskyrian adoption sites can be found here.

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Ayaga Bay is home to Arole Yein Cear, Corana Cove and Aerie Volia-Kaun, which are a part of the World of Alskyr.  Alskyr is in no way related to any other written works.  Alskyr is an originally created world, and is not a derivative of, nor should it be confused with any such works of science or fantasy fiction by any authors such as Anne McCaffrey, Mercedes Lackey, Melanie Rawn or others. The copyright of Alskyr lies solely within the hearts of its creators, and as such, it should not be confused with or considered fan-fiction of such authors as listed above.  

Graphics and text on this site are copyright ©2001 and beyond to eh, B.K.H., Brina, Cearlady Alisia, AerieMistress Tenyasha, and CoveLord Nedohl unless otherwise indicated.  I give credit where it is due, please do the same.  If you need to contact me regarding any matter please do so here.

Map of the Area created by Cearlord Qualm and used with permission.

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