The Japanese Phrase of the Day
"Yoi otoshi wo."
(Hope you have a) happy (rest of the) year.

Welcome to my page of hidden frustrations. I like to think that I maintain the guise of being socially functional, but I need to vent someplace to continue the deceit.

Things Gatchaman

The hallmark of this site, stuff about the anime series with a cult following, "Kagaku Ninjatai Gatchaman", including my episode commentaries, the Production Diaries. (Production Diaries are not currently being updated on a regular basis.)

The "Japanese Phrase of the Day" Archives

Enhance your daily conversation with these Japanese Phrases...updated not quite every day, not even every week, but on a relatively regular basis ("relative" being a key word...)

Stuff to Think About

..or rather, stuff I've thought about and decided I needed to complain about...(not currently updated on a regular basis.)

Won't you sign my Guestbook
and tell me what you liked or didn't like?

Or you could just see what other people have written...

Nihongo ha kochira!

E-mail me

This page made while sighing very deeply and muttering a lot of not-nice words in various languages at Netscape Composer.