Antelope Valley Libertarian party

Libertarians can be found getting into the news all over the place. One popular way for us to get in the paper is through our activity in promoting Jury Rights awareness.

AVLP members Deanna Peugeot, Richard Huemer, and Jason Gonella, among others, observed Jury Rights Day by handing out literature on jury rights at the Lancaster courthouse. The Lancaster and Palmdale mayors issued proclamations (Palmdale's shown). AV Press & Adelphia covered the eventJason was back at the courthouse, aided by a couple of other members. A few hundred pamphlets from FIJA and ISIL were handed out. This time we digitized Adelphia's newscast, so CLICK Jason's picture to see the video and hear what he said!





Libertarian Links


World's Smallest Political Quiz

As in 2001, the Mayors of Palmdale and Lancaster recognized Jury Rights Day by proclamation. Email us for paper or e-copies, or CLICK HERE

Thought-provoking guest editorial--CLICK HERE to read it. We're sorry A.V. Press couldn't find space for it, but FIJA (Fully Informed Jury Assoc.) printed this insightful first-person account.

We also have "The Libertarian Alternative" on Adelphia's public access TV, channel 37, Saturday Afternoons at 4:00. We've provided Adelphia with more than a dozen of Mark Selzer's thought-provoking discussion-and-interview videotapes.

In addition to those, we have many editorials or letters to the editor.

Use of ForceMarx and SocratesGet Out of the UN
TeachingThe American Police StateSenate Bill 273
Meatheads Lie but Still WinDEA Sabotaging Legal Hemp IndustryHemp Blocade
Concealed Weapons OK with MeLefty TestMichael Williams
Government kills, but blames parentsAV HempForfeiture runs amok
High Speed Rail BoondoggleOver 40 not fired and not hiredMcCaffrey deamonizes and lies again
Taxing Imports is unlawfulThe Pacifist's DilemnaThe Results are in
MTBERegulations are not freeGovernment distorts Bill of Rights
Five million time bombsDutch decisionMartyrs
MTBE (2)Godde Terrace EstatesNational Sales Tax
Right to self defenseNo on 26 and government schoolsLimit prolific letter writers
FLIR at Mt. CarmelConcentrated benefit, dispersed costDomsetic Partnerships
Clinton will propose $1.2 Billion for ColumbiaHighway 138 SolutionsThe End of the Fourth Amendment
Council shows its economic ignorancePunishment vs compensationScenarios
DEA fungus alread out of control?No sympathy for RenoImpute this!
Voter fraudARB is a wasteUsing the surplus
PC Second hand smokeDebt forgiveness hypocrisy3 strikes and juries
If you brush and driveThe blame gameProhibition doesn't work
Give it backThere is No Global Warming!HSR updated with CA subsidy complete
Just enter the number of peopeCensus boondoggleArrogance or humility?
Behind America's War with IraqLet Truth Prevail EverywhereAgainst the Draft
Response to Letter Disrespecting LibertariansRethinking the War on DrugsMcKeon Bucks Voters

Lest one think we only show one side of the debate, here are letters from someone trying to refute libertarianism.

Refutating LibertarianismRefutating Libertarianism (2)The Program of Socialism
Minimum Wage Protects Capitalists