Main Character Introduction
Ushio Aotsuki (the name means Tides Blue-Moon by the way) is a 14 years old schoolboy. He is very restless and a little bit flared up. Yet he has a big heart and a love of justice and is always ready to help. Ushio thinks himself of an artist (he loves to paint, but doesn’t really have a talent). He is in love with Asako, but would never admit his feelings for her. Personal Profile: Birthdate: 1977, Height: 1,52 cm, Weight: 48 kilogram, Bloodtype: 0
Tora (Tiger) is an ancient monster of the AzaFuse race. He had been trapped under the warehouse of the Aotsuki family for 500 years, until Ushio set him free. Tora is the name, Ushio gave him. He is actually called NagaTobiMaru (Flying-Long-Distance) and a feared, powerful demon lord. Tora considers Ushio as his dinner. Tora is a very powerful monster, feared by humans and monsters. He can be furious and very offensive, and yet sometimes even innocent like a child. But unlike other AzaFuse he has a conscience and a personality. Personal Profile: Birthdate: 500 B.C. born as Shagakusha, Age: 2491 years, Height: 4 meter, Weight: 0 - 250 kilogram
Kemono no Yari (The Spear of Beast) is a powerful weapon only made to destroy Hakumen no Mono and other monsters over 2000 years ago. The soul of Giryō – Jiemei’s brother – is trapped inside of it. Giryō isn’t a human anymore, he mutated into the Spear, but the Spear is still a human. The inscription on the Spear means "Zang Yue (means "Aotsuki" in Chinese), our home is in your heart, until we’ve overthrown Hakumen no Mono!"
Hakumen no Mono (The White-Faced One/ The White-Face) is the pure evil and the most powerful, cruel and horrific monster of all and the enemy No.1 of Ushio and Tora. Hakumen had been there since the beginning of time and wants to destroy the word, no matter what it takes. Whenever Hakumen appears in a human form, it’s always the physical form of a woman. So it seems like Hakumen is female. The only thing, which can kill her/him/it is the Spear of Beasts.
Asako Nakamura already knows Ushio for a long time. She works in her father’s restaurant, where Ushio can eat for free very often. Asako is in love with Ushio, but would never admit that as well. To hide her feelings, she usually starts a fight with Ushio very often. Yet she gets jealous very quickly, whenever Ushio is seeing another girl. Tora usually calls Asako “the harsh voiced woman”.
Mayuko Inoue is Asako’s best friend. She is very restrained, sympathetic and understanding. She is deeply in love with Tora. She calls him “Tora-chan” and feeds him with hamburgers so he doesn’t have to satisfy his hunger on humans. That’s why Tora usually calls her “hamburger woman” (it seems like Tora doesn’t consider human females as personalities, but as objects or something like that. When he talks to Asako and Mayuko, he only calls them “woman” and not by their names.) Mayuko doesn’t like that – just like Tora doesn’t like to be called “Tora-chan”. She wants Tora to call her by her name. Later in the story, Tora brings himself to call her “Mayuko”, though.
Shigure Aotsuki is Ushio’s father. He is a temple-priest just like his forefathers had been and an exorcist as well. Unlike Ushio, he is very calm and yet as sympathetic, helpful and brave as Ushio is. He is job is - aside from his parental duties - to prepare Ushio for his battle against Hakumen.
Sumoko Hizaki is Ushio's mother. She left her family two years after Ushio was born. She is a master and O-Yakume (a person, who has a special dutie/mission). Her mission is to keep Hakumen no Mono imprison under the sea, until the day of the final confrontation of Ushio vs Hakumon no Mono arrived. Jiemei is her ancestor.
Jiemei (means "sister" in Chinese) was the daughter of the chinese family, who created the Spear of Beasts. She sacrifeced her body, blood and soul for the spear. Jieme is the one, who walks in the eternal darkness with the Spear of the Beasts and is one of the spirtis, who is bounded to it, as well as an O-Yakume. She protects Ushio and keeps the soul of her brother - Giryō, who's soul is trapped in the Spear, calm, whenever it's necessary..
Raishin and Kagari belong to the family of the Kama-Itachi (Sickel-Weasels). They usually only appear in their human disguise. Both are very loyal and brave and good friends of Ushio and Tora. Raishin is very calm and reasonable, unlike Kagari, who can be very hot-headed, stubborn and unreasonable. Yet she has a big heart and can be very caring. Kagari is in love with Tora, but she keeps that a secret from him. Both of them are 401 years old (born 1590).
Izuna is a little ferret-like monster and a good friend of Ushio and Tora. He is very fresh and impetuous. Izuna regular lives and travles in shiny, reflection things, like mirrors.
Akiba Nagare, one of the 4 candidates for the Spear of the Beasts, is a Khouamei, Monk and a good friend of Ushio and Tora. he carries a stick, which has great magical powers. He is very cool and has a good heart. To Ushio, Nagare is like a brother. But to the end of the story, Nagare turns against Ushio and Tora
Hyō (Throwing Knife) used to be a chinese man with a simple life, a loving wife and a beautiful child. But 15 years ago his wife - Haifuun - and his little daughter - Reisha - had been killed by and AzaFuse like Tora. Since then he studied the art of Jingu and begun hunting monsters for a fee. His eye was replaced by a mystical one with true sight and he used several occult talismans, wards and armors. Sometimes the monsters paid to stay alive and Hyo accepted unless they killed a children. He was searching only one monster. His family's murderer
Guren (Crimson) is an AzaFuse, enhanced with the powers of Hakumen no Mono. He is black, because his heart is black (usually AzaFuse are golden - like Tora). Guren is the murderer of Hyō's wife and daughter. He has some special servants called Kokuen (Black Fire), which he can let grow out of his body. Guren was born as Sokuei 1700 years ago in China.