Ushio to Tora II – Original Soundtrack
Order No : Futureland TYCY-5247
Release Date : 92/8/26
Price: Y3000
Track Information : 17 Tracks
Track List:

01) Yűki no Fighter
02) 500 Nen (?) no (?)
03) Ore to boku Oyaji
04) (?)
05) Kanashimi no Gyakushű
06) Eye Catch
07) Ushio (?)!
08) (?)
09) (?)
10) Yôkai taiji Kokoroe Matchi
11) Yôkai no (?)
12) (?) na Kage
13) (?)
14) Maboroshi ni naru made
15) (?)
16) (?)wareru Tora
17) Dear My Best Friend
This CD contains the opening song (Track 1) & ending song (Track 2) and BGM of the first OVA seasons (OVA 1 – 6), as well as 3 image songs (Track 5, 10 + 14). Track 1 + 17 are a classic anyway and track 10 is one of the most funniest image songs of Ushio & Tora.