On the 19th September 2003 at around 8pm , the Nikaah Ceremony was held at our new flat.

Below are pics of the whole event........

Arrival of the Groom ....... Chauffeured by my brother, Farez                                                              Azim, the Groom being escorted up to the house by Farez & my cousin, Naz (on the right


While waiting for the groom, I took a pic with my paternal grandma whom brought me up from young!!!                                      Now, the Groom is here & the Kadi explaining the Nikaah procedure to me...                                   After I've understood the terms, then I was aked to sign the marriage papers meaning that I agree to this marriage!


After that, the Kadi went outside to explain the marriage rules & terms to Azim                                   The Kadi now proceed with the Solemnization...           


         Now that the solemnization went smoothly , Azim sign on the marriage papers meaning he AGREED too...                                                           Azim & Dad posing for this pic for the first as his Son-In-Law!!


     Me kissing Azim's hand as a form of respect for the first time , now that we are LEGALLY husband & wife!                                      On the left a pic of us feeding each other sweets & on the right he feeding me some milk ...


                              The first pic is when he present the dowry to me & the next is a pic of him putting on the wedding necklace for me.          


Both of us kissing Dad's hands as a form of respect...                          And now kissing Mum's hands too...

                                               Pic with (from left excluding Me & Azim) is my brother, Farez , Dad, Aslam & Aishah, Farez's fiancee.       

After photo taking at home we move on to the function hall downstairs...                                            for more Photo Taking


                                                Now, with my Mum , my step-dad & my youngest brother, Saif Ali Khan!     

                    Finally before we end the nite , since it is Azim's bithday... Here we are about to cut his birthday cake.. Wonder why there are 2 cakes ?? Coz its the birthday of (standing from left) Hajira, my maternal grandma, Naz , his mum & Hyder!!!