We Are Not Alone

What is this? On April 17, 2005, I was sitting in my back yard on a Sunday night at approximately 9:30 p.m. I didn't see any bright images because I live in a large city. But my camera snapped this object in the night sky. I set my camera on top of the barbecue grill, on 10 second self-timer, ISO=100. No one touched the camera. But this is what it took. This is the original picture. Pretty freaky.

I sent the picture to my brother. He used Adobe Photoshop and sent me these images. It is definitely a solid structure:
You can see the Adobe Photoshop pictures here.

UPDATED!!! Read my blog here.

I feel that something is going to happen that will shock the entire world. There will be world leaders and governments who will deny the inevitable: that we are not alone. That time is coming very, very soon. I have already discussed these events with family and friends.

The Truth Is Out There. Somewhere. I assume that this nation has Keepers of Secrets. I have the notion that there are unknowns, aliens, including UFOs among us. From the beginning of our evolution, we have been visited by meteorites, comets and the aliens. Maybe we can classify the aliens as teachers. We in America are bombarded with alien and UFO information on a daily basis. This includes everything from commercials, movies and TV sitcoms. Obviously, we feel, THAT WE ARE NOT ALONE.

I feel that America's technology progressed at lightning speed after the discovery and recovery of the aliens and UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico.

Things From The Past describes a summary of pages that are included in this web site. There are many mysteries that my family and I encountered. Read the following pages to get an understanding of what we have been through.

Past Events. This section deals with actual experiences living in rural United States. Here I am providing actual UFO related events that happened to my family.

Visions or Dreams? This section deals with some of the dreams I've recently had. Some of the dreams are very frightening. Read about my visions and the purpose of the alien visits to Earth. I believe that We Are Not Alone. Please visit my links below.

The Most Recent Visions and Dreams This is a continuation of Page 5. This page deals with the most current dream I've had. The aliens have contacted Earth and we are being invaded. It has been learned that we have a secret society and we have a government within a government. Read the diary of my dreams.

TRUE Journal and Encounter is a true encounter that happened to my father in the late 1960's. In addition, I have added my sister's journal as to what she remembers after my father had his UFO encounter.

Here are some of my favorite links!

The Phoenix Lights During the evening of March 13, 1997, thousands of Arizona residents witnessed a silent mile-wide unidentified flying object. This is a true account by Dr. Lynne Kitei.

The MILE WIDE UFO seen in Phoenix Take a peak and read about the hundreds of people who seen this gigantic UFO in March 1997.

The Serenity Prayer:
"God Grant Me the Serenity to Accept the Things I Cannot Change, the Courage to Change the Things I Can, and The Wisdom to know the Difference."

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