Name: Lennart Swenson
Location: PA
Serial number and Type of Aztec 7 (A or B): Type A?
Email/Website (if any):
Chassis: VW
Engine: VW 1600
Transmission: Standard VW 4-speed
Tires (Size, Model, Brand): ?
History: This may have been one of the first Aztec 7's built, about 1977.  Building this car allowed Len to get his ill-fated job at Fiberfab.  Len sold this car to his next door neighbor who didn't have the mechanical or technical skills to maintain it. this new owner let the car sit in his apartment parking lot where it was subjected to severe vandalizim. It's rumored the car was finally taken to a junkyard, but there is no proof of this.

Len is now working on a newer, better Aztec 7.

Extras: The custom exhaust system used modified '70 Dodge Challenger exhaust tips. Engine chromed extensively.
Future Plans: