I got into Geocacheing about a year and a half ago while alking with other Jeepers about the prospective purchase of a GPS. Someone mentoned it to me and got me to thinking about it, so I researched it. I thought that if there was another way to ise it for fun rather than "all business", I'd definitely enjoyit more.

Geocache is basically, in my view, a sort of treasure hunt. There are different "types" of caches, ranging from a "physical" cache where a container is hidden with a log book and most offten, small items in the "take something-leave something" ideal; ( Neither is necessary, though...) to "Virtual" caches, where the cache is either a view, or some shared information that a person would not have known without visiting. Geocaching isn't just the "hunt", but in most cases, its the view at the end or near the cache. Most parks do not allow this type of activity, so there, a Virtual cache would be good.

I have found several, some near home, and a few out on the road while travelling. I enjoy it. The kids love to do it. And the wife seems to have a good time also. A few pics are posted below of some of our Geocaching. You can also hit this link and go to the GEOCACHING.COM page