
Flora & Fauna of the 4 Corners!
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This page is dedicated to help you explore the Wild Side of the 4 Corners Area. It has a vast variety of wildlife and plants. Some of the plants and animals are common, some are native only to this area.

The Coyote is a common resident of the area, as it is all over the U.S. With the decline of the Wolf the Coyote has prospered and spread it's home range into areas that you would not have seen them 100 years ago.

The Cougar is a fairly common resident of this area. But they are illusive! Chances are you will not see one. You are most likely to see a Cougar in the Grand Gulch Primative Area. I have a friend that hikes there often. Him and his family went to explore for a day. They went into a small box canyon to view some Petroglyphs, and when they exited the canyon some 30 minutes later, there were Cougar tracks over their footprints! They never saw the big cat, but said it was an eerie feeling when they relized that they had been watched!

The Black Bear is also a common resident of the area. The High Country of the Manti La Sal in Utah, and the San Juan Mountains of Colorado. Although I have seen signs of a bear in residence in the wooded area around the San Juan River in Bluff Utah. This area used to have a thriving population of Grizzley Bears, but they were hunted to extinction early this century. This has allowed the less aggressive Black Bear to expand it's range and prosper. There is a new threat to the Black Bear though, read about it on the Black Bear's page.

The Bob Cat is another common predator who makes their home in the 4 Corners. They are not as common as the Coyote, but compeats with him for the same food. These cats are illusive, and generally stay away from populated areas. If you see one, it will be a chance encounter, just as with their larger cousins, the Cougar.

There are several species of raptors that live in the area. The Coopers Hawk is a common resident. One day, I had my front door open to let in the gorgious day outside, and a Coopers Hawk, with it's Sparrow as prey, came flying in through the front door! The Hawk caught it's prey, but my cat, caught the Hawk! I was screaming for my husband to come and help. Well, we got the cat off of the hawk, and the hawk lost his sparrow. All the animals involed were fine, the cat was pissed because she lost her prey, the hawk was pissed about being both captor and prey, and the little sparrow just flew away! All the animals involved lived and were in good shape, no real injuries seemed to be inflicted. But what an interesting afternoon we had in our livingroom! (This happened when we lived in Bluff Utah.)

The Great Horned Owl and the Screech Owl, are regular denisons of the night. I have had my head lights attacked by a Great Horned Owl several times while traveling the roads along the San Juan River. You can hear them hoot if you sit quietly down at Sand Island along the river.

You can see the Redtailed Hawk soaring on the thermal air currents, almost anywhere here. They are gorgeous raptors!

The Bald Eagle, is a common winter visitor in the Moab area. They eat the carrion left by roadkills to sustain them through the long cold winter. Along the HighWays here, you will see signs cautioning you that there may be Bald Eagles on the road!

The Peregrine Falcon, is a resident of the canyons of the Colorado River in Canyonlands National Park. They are endangered, and every spring, the Audobon Society does a study of nesting sites along the Colorado. The Peregrine Falcon, seems to be making a slow, but sure recovery.

I have just added several pages on Wildflowers.. and trees....Take a Look!

Aspen Trees //// Aspen Forest //// Indian Paintbrush //// Lupines //// Monkey Flowers //// Sacred Datura //// Cactus Flowers Photograph //// Colorado Columbine //// Globe Mallow //// Prarie Sunflowers //// Wild Roses //// Dandelion Photograph //// Bryce Canyon Bladderpod //// Grand Valley Buckwheat //// Round Leaf buckwheat //// Crisp Leaf Buckwheat //// Hooker's Buckwheat //// Sand Buckwheat Plant //// Sand Buckwheat Flowers //// Butterfly Buckwheat //// Pale Colorado Columbines //// Tamarisk Trees //// Tamarasik Flowers //// Cat's Eye Wild Flowers //// Colorado 4 O'Clocks //// Eaton's Firecracker Flowers //// Jacobs Ladder Flowers //// Mock Orange //// Oregon Grape Plant //// Oregon Grape Flowers //// Rocky Mountain Iris //// Silt Bush Flowers //// Stemless Beardtounge //// Yellow Spider Flower.

If you are interested in learning more about the 4 Corners Area, Please take a look at my Selected Reading List from Amazon.com.

Flora & Fauna of the 4 corners.

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