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Booboo, Curley & Danny

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My name is Alison, and I'm a married mother of 10 (4 cats and 6 dogs, that is).
I don't even remember my life before the babies (Come to think of it, I might not have had one). They sleep with me, eat with me, lay around with me, and follow me everywhere I go. If you are looking for constant companionship, love, and headbutts, Sphynx & Devons are the way to go!!

Kitty Profiles
Booboo's registered name is "Kitnhuyse Princess Abu-bu" She was born December 29th, 1998 in Rochester, New York. She is a cream & white sphynx with gold eyes. She has very soft skin like a chamois with a very fine down like a baby's bottom, and has a tiny bit of fur on the tip of her tail, nose, and on the back of her ears. She has no whiskers or eyelashes. You can see wrinkles on the top of her head and on her body when she moves around. She maintains her classic sphynx personality: affectionate, inquisitive, and intelligent. She is elegant, beautiful, and bald!! Booboo has been used for a two page centerfold ad for a lint roller in a German magazine, as well as the model for the computer animated Russian Blue cat body in the Disney movie "Cats & Dogs".
Curley's registered name is "Astralkat's Curley White Angel" He was born March 18th, 1999 in Kansas City, Missouri. He is a white Devon Rex with green-gold eyes. He was born with a very curly coat which has since gone into a moult (fallen out, which most Devon kittens do) leaving him with a semi-bald neck, belly and scalp, but the rest of his body has soft fur that curls and waves. He has 2 whisker types: broken and curly. Broken whiskers are thick and very short (like they "broke" off). Devons shed considerably less than any other breed. He is a typical Devon: mischievous, playful, affectionate, and hungry!!
Danny's registered name is "Astralkat Blue Danude of Wrinklbaby". He was born May 9th, 2000 in Lenexa, Kansas. He is a blue & white sphynx with green eyes. Like Booboo, he has very soft skin like a chamois with a very fine down like a baby's bottom, but he has absolute no trace of fur anywhere else! As an un-neutered male, he was growing to be very muscular and lean, and he felt like a brick because his body was so hard!! Now, he is still muscular, but has a soft dangly belly. He is extremely playful and affectionate, and loves to get rubs and give love bites!


Booboo was in a CFA show on January 15-16th and February 12-13th (click here to see the pictures). Both Booboo & Curley were in a CFA show in Kansas City, Missouri on August 14-15th 1999. See page 4 for more photos them at that show! I was at the 2000 CFA International with Danny, and the Sphynx Congress in Nov '00.

Visit the Babies!
Click on the next few pages to see the babies growing up! Click for the 1999 Sphynx Congress & CFA International!
get it Curley!

Click for the next page!!!!!

Click below to see some of my friends' home pages!

Astralkat Cattery - Devon Rex & Sphynx Cattery

Planet Devon - everything Devon Rex

Barebods - Sphynx Cattery

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