Baptist History Homepage


North Carolina Baptist History
By David Benedict, 1848

Morgan Edwards' Notebook
on North Carolina Baptists, 1772

Edited by George W. Paschal

Early North Carolina Baptists
By John T. Christian

North Carolina Baptists
List of Baptist Associations in the State in 1841

The Baptist Memorial and Monthly Chronicle, January, 1843

North Carolina Early Baptist Churches
With Dates of Formation

By George W. Paschal, 1930

The History of Grassy Creek Baptist Church
By Robert I. Divin, 1880

Biographies of Pastors of Grassy Creek
Baptist Church

By Robert I. Devin, 1880

Biographical Sketches from the North Carolina
Chowan Baptist Association

By James A. Delke, 1882

The Great Revival of 1800
History of North Carolina Baptists
By George W. Paschal

The Sandy Creek Association — 1758-1790
History of North Carolina Baptists
By George W. Paschal, 1930

Minutes of the Kehukey Baptist Association, 1769-1778
Edited by William J. McGlothlin, D. D., 1913

The Authors and Subjects of Circular Letters
of Baptist Associations of North Carolina

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