
Hello and welcome! Hallo und willkommen! Have you ever wondered why leaves change colours as seasons change? How about why do we need to keep a green planet? Or the most basic question, why do we need plants? Hopefully by the end of this tutorial, you will understand the reasonings to these questions. My name is Linda, and I am a student of Pine Ridge Secondary School from Pickering, Ontario, Canada. This website acts as a tutorial to deliver a topic related to the grade 13 (O.A.C.) biology course. As what many of you may have already guessed, this site will focus on the steps of photosynthesis. An overview of its various stages (light dependent reactions, light independent reactions, etc.) will be discussed.

After completing this tutorial you should be able to:

  • List at least three examples of the importance of photosynthesis to living matters.
  • Study the general equation for photosynthesis and be able to indicate in which process each reactant is used and each product is produced.
  • List the two major processes of photosynthesis and state what occurs in those sets of reactions.
  • Describe the structure of chloroplasts and explain the function of the various parts.
  • Distinguish electron transport chain and Calvin Benson cycle in terms of its reactants and products, and know how these two pathways are interconnected.
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