Bush's Speech
Bush: clown
Desperate Iraqi people
So George W Bush has delivered his speech pleading the American people support him on the war against tourism, I mean terrorism. He now says that Iraq is the "central front" in the war on terror, and that is where the enenmies of freedom make their desperate stand. His speech is full of so many lies and false truths it makes one sick.

Now we all know this man is a clown, but what in the hell is he talking about? It is just so unbelievably false that if the American people fall for this dupe then they must truely be stupid.

Where should we start? Well you can look at the whole speech on the
BBC website. Bush says that, "In Iraq, we [the US] are helping the long-suffering people of that country to build a decent and democratic society at the centre of the Middle East....[and making it] a nation of laws and free insitutions.

True indeed that the people of Iraq are long-suffering, but there is no evidence that the Americans are tuning it into a democratic society. There is nothing free about the US occupation, that is for sure. In fact the occupation has been a complete shambles. The US had no interest or plans of what they were to do when they had defeated Saddam's forces, they just simply wanted to do something, and that was fight.

As for Iraq being the centre of terroism, virtually nothing could be further from the truth. Remember during the build-up to the war, the whole key to the argument with Iraq was not its links with terrorism, which were in fact very few, but its possession on WMDs. So to claim now that it is the centre of terrorism is absurd. Now that the dictotor has been felled, that Iraq is a more dangerous threat because of its terrorism? Bush is trying to play the terrorism card again, and everyone should have seen that it is in fact the joker and should not mean what it used to anymore.

Money is what feeds the terrorist groups like al-Qaeda. If Saddam is no longer in command of his vast wealth, and Iraq is humbled, how can that country possibly be the centre of terrorism? What Bush describes as terrorism is in fact the attacks on US troops there. Those attacks are inevitable, given the way the Americans have ruined the country since moving in.

The US needs to get its act together and instead of telling its people that its all part of the war on terrorism, actually start making a difference and improving the lives of the Iraqi people. But no, debates rage at home as to whom should be given the contracts for mobile phone networks and to make sure the French have their noses rubbed in the dirt.

The money for terrorism comes from countries like Saudi Arabia. But we all know that the US will not say a bad word about that because they are the worlds largest oil producers.

It's petty, pathethic and is making millions miserable in Iraq. It is also making millions more around the world think less of the US than they already did.
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